RTX 2060 and 5K+ Performance Test

I have a 5k+ and an RTX 2060 and I couldn’t find any posts where anyone had posted performance information, so I did some testing with FCAT VR on a few of the game that I have.

FCAT reported two numbers “Delivered FPS” and “Unconstrained FPS”. The delivered FPS seems a bit odd in Beatsaber because on Large FOV with 1.5 in game SS the delivered FPS was around 60 even though the game ran at around 90 FPS the entire time and there is very little difference in-game between the performance of the two.

Here is a summary of the results:


PiTool .103 (PiTool quality at 1.0 and SteamVR at 100%, All Brainwarp Settings OFF)
RTX 2060 (Nvidia Founders Edition. Default Settings. Overclocks itself to around 1.9GHZ)
Intel i7-6700K 4.0GHZ
Windows 10

BeatSaber (I ran with Parallel Projection on because the lighting is odd if I don’t)

Normal FOV 1.0xSS
    Unconstrained FPS 141.31
    Delivered FPS     87.91

Large FOV 1.5xSS
   Unconstrained FPS  94.60
   Delivered FPS      64.53

SkyrimVR (I tried with and without Parallel Projection. There are some artifacts in lighting, fog and foliage with it off)

Note: I have mods installed to use 4k textures, “improved” static meshes and foliage, and improved water textures. The in game settings are High. The results were lower than expected because the game was still playable. The frame drop was a little noticeable with the High FOV and In-Game SS turned up.

Normal FOV (No In-Game SS, Parallel Projection Off)
    Unconstrained FPS 62.99
    Delivered FPS     52.40

 Normal FOV (No In-Game SS, Parallel Projection On)
    Unconstrained FPS 43.71
    Delivered FPS     38.16

High FOV (No In-Game SS, Parallel Projection Off)
    Unconstrained FPS 50.17
    Delivered FPS     43.33

High FOV (In-Game SS 1/2 max [1.5?], Parallel Projection On)
    Unconstrained FPS 41.97
    Delivered FPS     36.88

SairentoVR (Ran around in Dojo)

Normal FOV (Highest Settings, No AA, No SS, Parallel Projection Off)
    Unconstrained FPS 81.56
    Delivered FPS     56.04


Disclamer: This section could use more testing. I haven’t played the game in a long time and the graphics settings need tuned. When I started up the game it was set to Ultra settings. I couldn’t get to the individual custom settings without a mouse so I set it to “VR High” default settings. There are probably things like AA and SS that could be tweaked to improve performance. Also Parallel Projections is On because the game is unusable without it.

Normal FOV (VR High, Sitting in Hanger looking at menus)
    Unconstrained FPS 24.49
    Delivered FPS     22.44

Normal FOV (VR High, Exit Station)
    Unconstrained FPS 26.45
    Delivered FPS     24.23

Normal FOV (VR Medium, Exit Station)
    Unconstrained FPS 46.05
    Delivered FPS     40.86

Normal FOV (VR High, Warp, Travel, then arrive at Station)
    Unconstrained FPS 29.44
    Delivered FPS     26.83

Normal FOV (VR High, Combat Tutorial)
    Unconstrained FPS 31.63
    Delivered FPS     28.69

I was very surprised when I saw these FPS numbers. The game wasn’t jumpy and seemed smooth. It was playable for me and I didn’t get motion sick during the combat tutorial. I also didn’t have the Brainwarp motion smoothing turned on.

FCAT VR also does frame timing charts, so I have those too for the above scenarios. The target is to render in under 11-ish milliseconds (90-ish fps). So lower is better with the goal to be below 11 the entire time. Higher means lower FPS, so spikes are drops in FPS and dips are jumps in FPS.




EliteDangerous VRHigh vs VRNormal (Docking Tutorial)


In ED, I’m pretty sure that VR High has SS=1.25. You should set SS=1.0 to increase your framerate. You can use the ED Profiler utility to adjust your settings outside of the game.

. Dr. Kaii - EDProfiler


Thanks. I will take a look into it when I try EliteDangerous again to try to get better FPS. I probably won’t get around to it until I have more free time though. Maybe this coming weekend.


ED Profiler is a useful tool. I use it and even donated to the Dr. Kaii “beer fund”.

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I couldn’t get the ED Profiler to detect my VR graphics settings and it seemed to keep detecting my desktop settings even with the game running in VR mode. I ended up finding that I could edit the settings with the mouse from the client window on the desktop. VRNormal looked good so I just used those settings and it doubled my FPS.

I wanted to test with FFR since I have an RTX but I couldn’t get it to work. Beatsaber crashed and with EliteDangerous it only worked correctly in my left eye. The right eye was a mess of low resolution everywhere. But after that one time it quit working at all when I tried different modes besides “Aggressive”.

I will update the main post, but here are my findings below:

Normal FOV (VR High, Exit Station)
    Unconstrained FPS 26.45
    Delivered FPS     24.23

Normal FOV (VR Medium, Exit Station)
    Unconstrained FPS 46.05
    Delivered FPS     40.86

Frame timing chart is below. The first part is in a station and the second part is in super cruise. The FPS was much better in super cruise.

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