Revert Pimax Firmware for Dummies - Request

Since the lastest firmware for my 8k (non+ nonX) which came with one of the the more recent pitool updates, I have some very unpleasant ghosting/double vision effects. These also appear on every individual screen, even with one eye closed.

I tried to revert to previous pitool versions without success so I think it may be related to the firmware.

I know there has been a tool by SJ and other solutions that were implemented over time, but I have no clue how to run those tools and where to get previous firmware-versions.

Is there anyone that may help to provide a step by step guide and link to the required rescources?

Thx Guys!

found a video by sweviver from 2018, is that still accurate?
still need a firmware files repo i guess though?

whats wroong with the tool pimax has, did work for me and others
C:\Program Files\Pimax\Runtime\Dfu.exe

maybe try to use the forum search a little, there was a lot of guidance in firmware threads already

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