What you describe about Device Manager and secondary screen seems correct. When you start Piplay what message do you get on your screen? Is it “Where is my Pimax?” or does it search and find your HMD.
steamvr can see a HMD.
piplay can also find the pimax device.
the pimax headset has a blue LED. but on launching any game in steamvr it is shown on the monitor, but not in the headset and the LED remains BLUE (does not go to GREEN).
if i look in my screen resolution page i would of expected to see an additional screen referring to the PI screen - this is not appearing?
i have just tried reinstalling PiPlay a few mins ago… this also has had no effect?
As im on Win7, i was wondering if i need to reinstall DirectX somehow, but i think DirectX is embedded in Win7 and its not easy to reinstall??
Launch PiPlay - Done!
2) Choose PiMax mode - Done!
3) Launch SteamVR from PiPlay - Done!
SteamVR should launch on desktop with Hmd icon green. - Steam VR starts but HMD LED stays BLUE
In Pimax hmd you should see steamvr enviroment - Inside HMD screen is still Black. no screen or Logo
Pimax will show in display properties when in video mode. - This happens but i get a Kodi error (see earlier post)
I feel i should mention that i have Nvidia surround enabled across 3x24inch monitors - giving me a resolution of 5760x1080.
I have already tried disabling the 3 screens and made them 3 single screens (1920x1080 each screen) and then tried what you suggested with the same result… LED stays BLUE when i click on SteamVR - but for clarity i thought i had better mention it just in case.
thanks Heliosurge, they have been very attentive, unfortunately my issue may not be software related but hardware problem… item has only been used 3 hours and owned less than a week. went crazy after a single reboot after installation of piplay. no idea whats wrong but to be fair, the support guy has been trying lots of things with teamviewer session
i just cant believe this as i have been waiting for gearbest to deliver this since 26Mar! and they messed my order up 2 times prior and costing me over $50 in international fees before finally sending it out.
Sorry to hear on both. I had mine expressed through DHL & had to pay an extra $25 Canadian for customs due to it passing through the USA; wasn’t expecting the added cost but the USA is known for wanting to make money on everything.
I am confident though that our Pimax team will get you fixed up just be patient. Waiting always sucks.
i have the same issue in Elite Dangerous when looking around the cockpit. the front console appears to bend as if the screen is warping around while i pan past it? I have checked my IPD and set it correctly. i have been tweaking the game graphics and thought it was a FOV setting but the FOV settings in game do not seem to have an effect on a HMD… only monitors.
it makes me lose immersion when it happens…
additionally there are some blurryness around the edges of the lenses, which are annoying. im really not sure if its hardware or software related, but i get the blurryness on all sides of the lenses top, bottom and sides… the sides are the worst because the games cockpit panels are on the sides and i cant read the instruments.
There is a recent post about with correct ipd setting may correct blurriness. There are methodes on tge internet to measure. Your doctor or eye glass places could also get you the info
yea i used google to find out how to measure myself… turns out i am IPD 70. and when set it as 70 the center of the lenses are clear but the edges are blurry. thought you might know a trick to make ALL of the lenses clear
One thing that might work is lightly pull the headset away from your face. I found when tight not as clear. The face foam is attached with velcro. I haven’t tried it yet but might be able to take rubber peal n stick weather seal. Then get peal & stick velcro and put in either side of weather seal. Use this as a spacer for the foam.
Also a bit of the weather seal can be used to improve comfort around nose
Might give that a go to try to fix the blurryness on the edges. any idea how to fix the gyro drift? was hoping that steamvr setup would lock it to place, but nope! in Elite Dangerous have to recenter about twice every min.
i am thinking that it is trying to find magnetic north?? maybe facing North before starting steamvr setup will help but i dont know enough about how that gyro works?
I have read others having a similar issue with gyro drift but no one seems to have a definitive answer.