[Resolved]Just received headset and already bricked on first use

I know it’s not permanently bricked, I can get it to re-enter in Firmware update mode, but I haven’t seen it working for even 5 minutes, or 5 seconds for that matter.

Connected it, installed PiTool, started it, FW gets automatically downloaded and installed and… nothing… progress bar just stayed at the end. After 2 hours I finally turned everything off and now the headset won’t turn on of course sigh (just a red led and the software says 10500: usb and hdmi/dp not connected)

Not the best of first impressions :frowning:

Try checking the 5k 8k directory in banner topic. There is a troubleshooting wiki there.

Backer or ore order? Which headset did you receive?

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The 5+. Thanks for the info, I’ll take a look at those links.

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Awesome. Were you a kickstarter backer or a pre order customer?

Kickstarter. I haven’t been able to get things working btw. Opened a support ticket yesterday, but no reply yet.

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Did you check the troubleshooting wiki? There are 2 entries under software solutions.

Also post Supen number @anon74848233

Please add to earlybackers

Did you check the troubleshooting wiki? There are 2 entries under software solutions.

Yes, but they don’t seem to deal with my problem. Flashing seems to work but it never finishes rebooting it seems. The led just turns red and stays red. There’s a comment from the guy that made the 3rd party flasher that if neither flash method works there’s probably something wrong with the headset :confused:

Of course, it’s not really clear to me which FW I should be flashing. I’m using the one that I found in the PiTool directory (v181_95).

Also post Supen number @anon74848233

Please add to earlybackers

No idea what you mean by this?

Also, another day and still no response on the support ticket.

Just did the 3-button reset again and I see “STM Device in DFU Mode” appear in the Device Manager. I then tried flashing the P2.1.255.181.dfu FW I found. And it flashes okay because the flash tool says “Upgrade successful ! Rebooting now, WAIT !”. The led turns red. And in the Device Manager I see the STM Device disappear. Things happen for a while, new devices appear in Human Interface Devices for example, but only things with generic names like “HID-compliant device”, I see nothing new that could be related to the headset (can anyone tell me what devices should be there?)

Supen number is your support ticket number.

Pitool needs to be running. What does it say on it’s screen?

Supen number is your support ticket number.

Ah, ok, it’s SUP-104

Pitool needs to be running. What does it say on it’s screen?

What I said in my first message:

10500: usb and hdmi/dp not connected

Btw, I just tried flashing an older version, so I first installed PiToolSetup_1.0.1.76 and flashed the p2.dfu that got installed.

Now when it says flashing completed successfully instead of the led turning red it just keeps on flashing. It doesn’t exit from DFU mode. If I tell the flash program to exit from DFU mode it doesn’t work.

If I then again flash the P2.1.255.181.dfu the led turns red again.

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@anon74848233 @Sean.Huang @Doman.Chen can you assist this Gentleman it sounds like may need to schedule a Teamviewer session.

Just to confirm motherboard bios upto date? & usb & chipset drivers install from mb website?

Just to confirm motherboard bios upto date? & usb & chipset drivers install from mb website?

I have a system with a HTC Vive and an Oculus Rift connected to it that has been working perfectly for a long time now, I really don’t want to go messing with motherboard and USB drivers right now. Especially when I see that the latest versions are form 2016.

Please send me ID&password of teamviewer when you are available.

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I’m available right now @Doman.Chen, I sent you the ID/pwd by private message.

Thanks @Doman.Chen for helping. In the end it was all very simply resolved by unplugging the plug from the headset and reseating it.

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+1, solved same issue same way!
But I must say it is extremely hard to plug out cable from my HMD. See that example:

  1. you need to press hard with a finger to unlock lower edge of plug.
  2. then you need to take out plug with left-right movements. I needed pliers (tool) for that, as I said it was extremely hard, and I taught I will destroy it…

EDIT: actually my HMD was bricked after firmware upgrade, with sound working after, and permanent red led. And I tried to unplug all cables from pc and charger, but that was not enough; I had to do it on HMD side.

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Brzijoe which headset did you receive? Where you a kickstarter backer?

Not kickstarter, the device is Pimax5k+, SN203

Slightly cracked model, on top left :see_no_evil::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Sorry to hear about the crack. Recommend file a ticket if you haven’t already.

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