Researchers Pack 10,000 Pixels Per Inch in New OLED Display

Here’s a new display technology that I hadn’t heard of before…

A new OLED display from Samsung and Stanford can achieve more than 10,000 pixels per inch, which might lead to advanced virtual reality and augmented reality displays, researchers say.

The new display uses OLED films to emit white light between two reflective layers, one of which is made of a silver film, whereas the other is a “metasurface,” or forest of microscopic pillars each spaced less than a wavelength of light apart.


Interesting, but not new. That is approximately ~2.54microns/pixel, or 0.84microns/pixel. Such things have been possible, and fabricated by e-beam microscopes, in academic labs, for a long time.

When we get to <0.5microns/pixel, that is when direct manipulation of phase/amplitude becomes possible, so the flat displays can control the direction of emitted photons. At that point, the big lenses and such become unnecessary.

Or another way of putting that…

True holographic displays are the ultimate technology here, and the now is the right time to manufacture that.


There’s a video too…

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Question is, how expensive would this technology be?

Funny I was thinking about forward you this link when reading it;-)

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