Hi, I had to change my address in kickstarter survey, i want to know if that’s enough or I have to report someone of pimax staff so they can update some internal database that they have?
Hi, I had to change my address in kickstarter survey, i want to know if that’s enough or I have to report someone of pimax staff so they can update some internal database that they have?
I would send a private message to @Matthew.Xu & include @deletedpimaxrep1. Just in case.
Thanks for the answer. I just sent a message.
I’ve moved aswell, but as a new user my trust level for messaging seems to be too low. Either that or I haven’t tried hard enough to find the functionality.
Mojo bumped your user level up.
Fantastic, thanks for the quick help Heliosurge.
Your welcome. The system typically upgrades users as they learn/use forum functions… Ie quoting, @username, posting links etc.
Hi, I have changed my address on the survey as well. @kloperius and @mojojojo, did the Pimax staff needed to do something when you contacted them about this? i.e. should I contact them too?
Best to contact them with your backer details & address info to be sure.
@Vince300 after sending a message with my new address(as suggested in post #2 by Heliosurge), I received a reply that my information has been updated within less than 24hrs.
I feel that I’m going to be in the same boat as I’m going to be moving soon however I don’t know exactly where to so cannot update the address as of yet. I would recommend that pimax send out a confirmation email before each batch of units is shipped. The kind of thing where if they don’t get a reply from you they send to the address they already have but otherwise will update their shipping address
Thanks @Heliosurge and @mojojojo for your input. I ended up contacting through Kickstarter, where they told me that my address change had been taken into account. However they are now preferring the use of their support address, support@pimaxvr.com.
I also need to update my address but I am unable to message anyone. Could you please upgrade my account so that I can do so?
I have also updated my address in Kickstarter and wanted to inform Pimax. Thankfully I found this topic, but I could not find where a “new message” button would be (in the Messages screen).
I read above about the system automatically upgrading users with activities. Since I haven’t had any activity, this message would be the first!
@Heliosurge Should I post content in other topics in the forum (relevant to each topic ofcourse) to be able to send a message? Or would posting here be enough?
So, it seems by posting here and interacting in the forum in the past few minutes, I received a few badges, including one that makes sending messages possible now
Thank you @Heliosurge for your earlier post above
Your welcome.
By all means post & interact. Welcome to the pimax forums! There are many knowledgeable folks here if you need assistance.
Hi @Heliosurge, I need to message the admins about a change of address. Can you help me bump my level to allow for messaging?
Sorry about that. Have raised your user level.
Thanks @Heliosurge
Hi Heliosurge,
I have the same issue, can you bump me too ?