[Replied]5k+ Microphone Not Working

We are VR veterans, as most people here are I’m guessing. We are 97% certain it’s a bad cable. Literally can’t get a response through ticket system, email or anything. I gave him PimaxUSA’s Reddit, as he has at least responded to me on Reddit. Seems as though his hands are tied until the US office is up and running.

Whatever the case may be, I am just experiencing what I unfortunately expected anyone who needed post launch help to experience. Just bummed that I am the one going through it, I usually have good luck with these type of things. After the logistics fiasco, how something so easy could be handled so poorly, I do not have any faith in PiMax anymore.

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I hear you too many headsets sent out & not enough support staff to manage things. I do appreciate folks frustrations in this. Backers + Pre Orders too much to handle by so few.

They need time to get staffed but it would still take a fair bit of time to get caught up enough to get a head of the wave.

Still nothing. Just keeping everyone up to date. PiMax will not even reply to me at this point.

@anon84525399 @Doman.Chen

please check your ticket or email again.

Ticket has no update and the most recent email is from January 29th from you saying you will ship me a new unit from the US warehouse.

I received an email on Feb 2 stating that I needed to pay full price or send mine back, and no responses from any of my inquiries after that.

There is nothing in my junk mail, nothing in my support ticket, no replies anywhere.

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@Sean.Huang will reply to you by email,please be patitent.

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I have replied by email, please kindly check it.
tks for supporting pimax!

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