[Replied]5K+ bottom half wiggles and is at different 3d depth

Today my 5K+ came in! DPD delivery to NL, got tracking number on Monday and tracked everything perfectly. Backer 503X

Well there is a new discovery that is super weird and I haven’t seen anyone talk about it before.

The screen is divided into an upper and lower half. A line straight in front of you, upper half and bottom half of the screens. The halfs are noticeable because the depth is slightly different and the bottom half wiggles a tiny bit. Maybe one or two pixels at maybe 10 Hz

I haven’t tried switching things on or off yet so hopefully this is a software glitch that might straighten itself out but for now it seems some weird failure in the bridge chip maybe?

Firmware version used: V2.1.255.183
PiTool version used: V1.0.1.91

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Which PiTool version? Try version .91

I’m now on .95 and will check to see if that helped

EDIT: Did not help. It’s the right eye bottom half, left eye is good…

Here’s a video of the issue in the right panel

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At first glance it looks like a HW problem to me. Hopefully it isn’t and it can be fixed by @anon74848233 @Pimax-Support


Looks like a bad signal? Maybe some interference? Or a bad panel. RMA What do you think @Heliosurge


Not sure. But agree with Davebobman looks likea hardware issue. Support would know better. Could be cable related but i would think it should affect both eyes. Might be fixable through a teamviewer session. But honestly don’t know.


Its weird in that it looks like what happens with a CRT when you put a magnet to it. Thats not possible on an OLED though.

I move the headset side to side at the end to show the jitter isn’t my hands moving


Imo, there’s no way you could wiggle your hands that quickly and precisely to cause an artifact like that. I agree that it is almost certainly a hardware issue. It’s slightly possible that there’s a software glitch that is interfering with the vsync. Since it only affects 1 panel, I don’t think it could be some sort of cable issue.



Here to help @Pimel solving this issue


Did you turn on lighthouse?


Hi, thanks for the quick response!

Yes I have a normal Vive headset with wands and lighthouses. I use both lighthouses. Installation of PiTool was successful the first try.

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Please try to turn off lighthouses and see if it is still occur.


Good idea, I should have thought of that myself.

I will try tonight after work.

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Yes the headset is fine when basestations are turned off.

The problem comes back when I turn them on again.


Are you sure you didn’t get the 8K-BE edition (with CRT screens)?


Lmao. Are they trinitron tubes though? They can call it Pimax RE, Radiation Edition.

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I will ask our engineer about this issue and reply to you soon.