[Repiled]Can we get some update on the backer's reward and addon?

can we get some update on the backer’s reward and addon? mainly I’m looking forward to the headstrap and the 10’ extension cable I’ve order with the kickstarter.


for the 10 meters cable, we have got the engineer version,but currently the transmission performance test failed, we are still discussing with partner and are also trying to find another candidate vendor. suppose will update to backers in the beginning of next April.

for the head-strap,still need more time, Q4 is more reasonable. currently our R&D team is focusing on the controller development (plan to release in Q3),


How about the glasses frame? Who people wearing glasses like me, this is most urgent thing to get.


Yeah, it’d be nice to get updates on this. Maybe we’ll hear some news regarding them at GTC. It starts on the 17th, I believe. The eye tracking very well may be the most important add-on. It opens up the door for so much. We already know it’s completed, but an update on when it’s realistically looking to ship would be nice.


for glasses frame our ID and the ME is in designing,suppose to finish the design in early April


Really? You are going to lose a lot of sales with out having a more comfortable head strap available. Pretty much all backers are saying the current strap is not great and are modding it or use the vive DAS. Q4 is going to be 2 years since the Kickstarter. Pimax needs to do better than this.


Agree!I‘ll discuss with Robin to see how to speed up.but as you know we still a start up, our resources are very limited, at the same time we must focus on the HDM quality and support services during the first half year,maybe the external resources should be a good choice.


Hi@ MOZI Can you advise us on what is happening in regard to Light House’s ,even a
rough idea when you will be getting them please ???
To buy one separately after having originally purchased them from Pimax is bloody
expensive, in Australia $275.00 for 1, on the other hand I do not want to keep my new
Hmd in the cupboard for a year if it is going to take that long for you guys to deliver?
Would really appreciate if you could find out any news please.


@mozi how about the most important accesory of them all, the VR frame???

Mant of us cant use properly the headset because we need glasses and even so if some fit, they are touching the lenses and it will scratch them. There are some hacks but they are all not comfortable and take away from the experience.

Why cant we have at least a 3d printable model of the vr frame? We can print them ourselves.


If the prescription lens frame is a quick win that could buy a lot of respect from the backers to release an add on so quickly, if not personally I would say that the more comfortable head strap would be a higher priority as the headset does work without lighthouses but it’s extremely uncomfortable over protracted periods of time with the current head strap. My 5K plus is definitely replacing my original vive (which I still use the elastic head strap for) but it’s extremely hit or miss if you could wear it for more than half an hour without feeling intense pressure on your brow, whereas I have worn my Vive for multi hour sessions with no real problem of comfort.


yes, our first step is to open the design and let users can print by themselves. suppose will release in the near future.

I will promote the priority internally


you mean the light house base station? we just got an important agreement with our partner, This should be coming soon, I will check internally and feedback in our forum.


Please inform us regarding base station shipments ASAP. I would not want to purchase a HTC lighthouse during waiting preordered base ststion to arrive.


sure,I will follow up with a high priority.


I understand your frustration, but having v2 lighthouses without v2 controllers is useless for anyone doing room space.

Anyway, considering the Pimax track record, I guess we screwed either way.


News on this would really be great - I have been looking into old and new Base stations but actually dont wont to spend the money on the vive stuff for many reasons.
I would love to hear some Info on that - would be really great if you could do a show of of the current light house and controller versions and status…

  • kind of what you did with the HMD before - keep the train rolling!

I have to agree the Headstrap needs to be out soon. Even pimaxusa has reported designs seem decent.

The Hand modul really needs to come out soon as it has been demoed since day 1 of M1 testing & quite disapointing that since then only other youtubers have received it.


You r my man! I count on you.

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I agree, 100%. While my small-framed reading glasses fit without scratching the headset lenses, the headset pushes my glasses uncomfortably close to my face. This causes the glasses lenses to touch my eyelashes, which smudges the lenses. I also find it difficult to don and doff the headset due to glasses and separate headphones. My glasses are constantly getting smudged in VR and I have to stop and clean the lenses every 15 min or so (or accept blurry VR).


We are design, will open the 3D file in the following two weeks