Render quality and SteamVR Super sample question

Quick question (hopefully).

With a render quality of 1 and SteamVR SS @ 100%, I get an indicated resolution in SteamVR of 3836x3160.
With a render quality of 2 and SteamVR SS @ 100%, does this double the indicated resolution in SteamVR? So i will see 7672x6320 in FPSVR for example? Or is it not that clear cut.

I’m not going to be-able to test this myself for a while.


Not sure on Values. But generally where an ap allows better to have a pi render between 1 and 2 with SteamVR SS in Auto mode or based on recommended % in Steam SS to bump it up from there for best pic.

Yes, Pitool uses choosen multiplier for horisontal pixels, and for vertical pixels too.

SteamVR uses his multiplier (called supersampling) on total number of pixels shown.
That means if you have i.E. 100x100 pixels (=10k) shown in steam vr on 100% ss, then 200% would be 141x141 (=20k) , and not 200x200 (=40k).

If we talk here on forum about supersampling and resolution in some game, we talk mostly about total vertical resolution - then we understand each other no matter how you dial your resolution.

I.e. for IL-2 I use normanl FOV, 90Hz and 3160 vert. resolution.


so from what i understand you really have to look at your fov you use and the horizontal resolution per eye.100% on steam is not native resolution at all. if you want native resolution you need to know both. if your using an 8kx, your native resolution at max large fov should contain a number at or higher than one eye’s native resolution so at 3840x2160. at normal fov, which is the best btw, a resolution a bit lower is native. and so on and so forth. you really have to test that for yourself.

also I’ve found there are sweet spot resolutions. for instance at 88% scaling in steam my 5k super looks glorious but at 92% it looks wrong. 114% looks great 118% looks bad and blurry. just keep trying new scaling resolutions till you find the one that looks best. might have to tab out of some games to see the effect though.

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I think you misunderstand what is 100% native resolution.

The 8kx has screens with vertical 2160 pixels, and this is what you physically see. But that is not “native resolution”.

“Native resolution” is in mostly HMDs about 30% more pixels (vertical and horizontal) than screen resolution. That is optimum rendered resolution, which shows most details to human eye after correcting for warping and distorting in vr lences. The pimax engineers got that resolution by experience. My 8kx on “native” shows vertical 3160 pixels.

If you put more pixels than “native” you will see a little better picture, but at cost of a lot more rendered pixels. Think of “native” as recommended optimum.

Horizontal resolution behave similar as vertical, except we have 4 modes in pimax (large,normal, small and potato). Large uses most of the screens (i.e. 90% horizontal), and potato only part of the screens (i.e. 40% horizontal).
Do not think that potato use whole screens and magically “fit” that at same density as HP Reverb G2.

I believe you, I figured that sometimes myself.

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