Reflects that appear only on one screen (SSAO issue ?)

… I also have to put “Reflexion Quality” to “low” for other visual effects on some objects that appear only on one eye.

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For “Solus Project”, In fact I was on Medium on the parameter “World Detail”.
If I put this “World Detail” parameter on High or Ultra, I can see reflects on rocks that only appear on one screen only.

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I recently retry Seeking Dawn with pitool 197 and the issue still occur.

Is it a way to correct it ?

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This is probably an issue with the game itself. Have you tried enabling Parallel Projection in PiTool?


Yes , I tried with parallel projection but it don’t solve the problem… Some other games are experiencing exactly the same issue (screen capture above).

Some could be solved by downgrading some ingame graphics parameters (like disabling SSAO)

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Screen capture above seems to be taken from the native mode (i.e. parallel projection off). In native mode it is possible to get some lighting wrong because of the wrong implementation in the game engine.

But, the problem should be resolved with the parallel projection mode. If it is not, then it is most likely a game bug, maybe related to something else (e.g. large FOV, large rendering res.).

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Elite D has a similar problem (which affects all VR headsets). Bloom only works for the left eye (or at least it used to - I haven’t noticed the problem lately).

I’ve heard of a problem in some games where certain effects aren’t drawn correctly for the right eye, but I’m not sure which games. This is probably something which Pimax cannot fix; the game developer needs to fix it.


Pretty sure it’s a game engine thing as others mention

I’ve seen it in Alien Isolation, Obduction and others too.

In some games You can work around it by disabling/changing settings (shadows, ambient occlusion etc.), but haven’t found a solution for AI.


I just did a test that i never done before. As @risa2000 suggested that LARGE FOV could be an issue for some games I just try launching “Seeking Dawn” with Pimax SMALL FOV and it is largely better.

I also tried “Blasters of the Universe” but it didn’t work for this game.