Hi folks
I still have PiTool running (in 2024) and that tools update check says I’m on the latest version today. (P2 Headset
I realized there are a few later PiTool versions available and then there is the PiPlay with PiClient. That one was said to be not working with 5k/8k in the beginning.
I don’t obsessively stay up to date, but I run a recent version of Pimax Play. I think I’m currently on the newest.
I’ve been trying a lot of different versions lately because I have had bad stuttering problems with Steam games recently. I was not sure if it was caused by Pimax Play or something else. After a lot of experimentation I found that the current version of SteamVR is the problem. I think it is a tracking problem. So I have SteamVR set to previous version.