Received my 5K+ today

Correct :wink:

|Without the sync cable|Press the Channel buttons at the back of the base stations so that one base station is set to channel β€‹β€œβ€b”, while the other is set to channel β€‹β€œβ€c”.|
| β€” | β€” |
|With the sync cable (optional for added reliability)|Press the Channel buttons at the back of the base stations so that one base station is set to channel β€‹β€œβ€A”, while the other is set to channel β€‹β€œβ€b”.|

I have two rooms for VR and have my 3 basestations set up as follows:

  • Room Scale Room: Channels B + C
  • Seated Gaming Room: Channel A

…just a feedback, having my 5K+ for two days now. I’ve got still the best VR time of my life. The Pimax, lighthouses and controllers run without issues. Yesterday I installed Skyrim VR and I’m enjoying the hell out of it! Right now I’ve got it running with about 100 mods and it runs okay on my 1080 non TI, with PiTool 1.25 and 60% in SteamVR. I will go on with some mod installation, but it already looks gorgeous. Next thing I want to try out is AC with the Sol mod, so much to discover and so short on time …:sweat_smile:
As you will have noticed by now, I’m in VR heaven!!!:laughing:


Just in case, you should probably order this Edible Hat… :rofl:


News… again!:laughing:

I just couldn’t hold myself back and bought a 11GB ZOTAC GeForce RTX 2080 Ti AMP Aktiv.

So far so good, just played around four an hour or two. Skyrim VR runs stable at 90FPS with about 200 mods right now and looks so awesome. I put PiTool to 1.5 and SteamVR at only 34% percent, but with some headstrap adjustments it’s looks do crisp to me, so great! Seems strange to me, with this low SteamVR setting, but hey, what do I know…:sweat_smile:

I found out that the right position of the Pimax and the right IPD is sooo important. By the way, I read here at the forum to lower the IPD a bit, I did so (from my measured 66 to 64) and there is a big jump in clarity!

With my racing sims (AC and Raceroom) I have to look in a little bit deeper into setting and modes. It’s still a little bit laggy. Perhaps I want to much in game eye candy. I will find out and report back to you guys! Have a nice weekend!

PS: …by the way, no problems with the headset itself so far, works absolutely fine and no software issues, like finding tracking or whatsoever, just start Pitool, power on the headset and up to VR heaven!