Received 8K yesterday

Received via UPS in the United States. Backer #27xx. Well packed. Arrived in Excellent Condition. Fit & Finish looks excellent.

Setup was quite easy on my i7-7700K system with GTX1080Ti. Downloaded and installed Pitool V1.0.0.109 dated 2019/2/27. I made sure to also install all latest Windows 10 and NVIDIA driver updates (419.17) before plugging in the headset. The 8K was recognized without issues. A firmware update was immediately installed automatically and completed without issues. All I had to do was deselect the lighthouses since I haven’t installed my Vive base stations on this system yet.

Initial testing was with viewing VR180, VR360 and Flat Stereo 3D photos and videos using Steam VR Media Player, Simple VR Video Player, Virtual Desktop and DeoVR Video Player. FOV is excellent. Distortion on edges of FOV seems manageable but time will tell as I use it more. The lenses are very close and intermittently touch my glasses. I may need to add some padding. I had to lower the super sampling level in Simple VR Video Player due to some lag. A little disappointed with the screen resolution. It seems comparable to my 4K. Will have to do more comparisons with other headsets. Need to do more testing and tuning and setup with my Vive base stations.

Is there a post with helpful tips for tuning to get best performance and clarity? Thank you.


Check 5k 8k directory.

My xp usually just adjust in game settings. But we could compare notes on specific titles.

@anon74848233 please add to earlybackers

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Thanks. Where do I find the 5k and 8k directories?

Banner topic at top of page.

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Oops. Sorry. I missed that!

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I have the Pimax 4K too,I have done a few clarity and SDE comparisons between the two and the 8K still doesnt have the SDE performance compared to the P4K, clarity is pretty damn close considering that everything in the 8K is bigger in scale. Did you notice this too, the world scale being bigger in the P8K



Make sure to have the latest LAV filters installed AND make sure that you’re set LAV config to CUDA hardware rendering and the lag should be gone.


Have you tried the 5k? I would love to know the views of someone who has tried 4k 5k and 8k in terms of clarity and sde. Especially for watching videos using simplevr. I have tried thr 4k and really love the clarity. Would really like to see the 3 conpared

Im currently using all three of them, trying to decide which ones to keep. Im a little “reviewed out” and it would take forever to make a comparison between the 3 but ask away and Ill try to answer any questions :beers:


Great! I just want to know which looks good resolution/clarity wise for vr videos. I find the 4k is very good. How do the 5k and 8k compare? Is the extra resolution on the 8k clearly evident? How is the 5k?


I haven’t really compared the 8K with the 4K. I was more going from memory. I plan to do more comparison testing with the 4K and some other headsets when I get a chance.

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Thanks for the info. I’ll check it out!

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Thanks. I try this out!

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That is a question I had which never really got a good answer before I had to commit to the 8K or the 5K+. Pimax never really provided any usable advice and always directed us to the reviewers. My main use of the 8K is for previewing high res photos and videos – 360 and non-360. I stayed with my initial 8K choice because the general advice was this was better for movies which seemed comparable to viewing photos and videos. I’m happy so far but still wonder how the 5K+ would compare.

Don’t wonder…the 5k is useless for movies if you ever tried a easily modded OD+
It’s seriously like a bite of the apple and leaving paradise asap.

I have not tried the 8k but I’m sure that you would cry with the 5k for those purposes and I’m sure you’re far better off with the 8k.


I havnt used simple vr but I have Whirligig so I tested some 180 videos. I didnt find any mind blowing differences between the 3 regarding clarity, the 4K might have a little bit of advantage clarity wise but not by much. The 5k and 8K had almost the same clarity for me, the 5K might have been slightly more clear, however, it takes me a coupe minutes to switch between each HMD so its really hard to tell but any significance in clarity is minimal between the two.
The SDE is much easier to forget about on the 4K, the 8K is just behind the 4K and the 5K its hard to ignore it. Im SDE sensitive.
Hope that helps some. Im still on the fence as to which ones ill keep. Its a tough choice as they are all great and each have their own fortes and downfalls


Thought I might add if SDE bothers you in video I would stay away from the 5K+ and get the 8K, then do some comparison between you 4K and 8K. The 8K has so much better life like colors than the 4K, is brighter and of course more immersive FOV.


Thanks for all the input!