Reality checking the hype train on the Pimax 8K PC VR system

Interesting Pimax discussion/critique over at the Oculus reddit forum:

Most of this is beyond my limited technical brain, but the critique seems a bit harsh. What are your thoughts on the points raised in this discussion?

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Oculus funboy discussing pimax on reddit, no idea what else to say here with no concrete questions.


Some of the things this guy is saying about the Pimax, based on his ‘technical knowledge,’ is completely contradicted by people who have actually used the Pimax.

There’s no point saying technically something wont work because of blah, like the FOV or SDE, when we have regular people (and even tech reviewers) who have tried the headset and comment directly on those two things being awesome.

He’s trying justify his own purchase.


I agree he prob bought the rift cv1 at opening price with only an xb1 controller. :beers::smirk::+1::sparkles::joy::tada::see_no_evil:

Now let’s Talk Palmer Lucky’s quiet endorsements:

  1. Its better than i expected.
  2. I would like to have 1.
  3. PiMax is not that scary yet.

On No.2 he likely owns a ton if VR headsets.

But No. 3 - Not that scary yet (but indeed scary) lol

Think someone should point out to the Oculus fanboy these facts with links of course. :beers::smirk::+1::sparkles::tada:

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Lol, what baseless speculation. Dude is probably pissed because hes stuck with a closed ecosystem he bought all his games on and now doesn’t like the idea of the only way to play them on superior hardware is through 3rd party software.


I actually took a good 30 minutes in reading everything on the page and I can safely say most of the stuff he says is complete crap.

From his crazy estimate that you would need a 1080ti to run the base 8K V. to his baseless comments regarding the inferiority of the product just because its Chinese is simply ignorant at best, at worst a racist who should look to see where his TV is made.


I would take everything from that particular thread with a heavy dose of skepticism. The OP is a known Oculus fanboy who has a reputation for being really stubborn with opinions. He has been justifying his purchase for more than a year now and I have even seen him attempting to stir negativity up in the Vive forums. Top class troll there.


If you didn’t know, the guy wrote that up is the oculus fanboy god. He will just go on saying oculus is the savior of vr, rift is the best hmd period and his whole family love Facebook.


Just oculus pulling the same marketing crap as usual. The same argumentative was applied (I’m serious) to argue the earth wasn’t actually round, but flat based on skewed spins on explaining the way the moon is observe. It’s contrived bullshit. You think oculus wants to just jump the specs to 4k per eye? Hell no. Why would they when they could put consumerland on a slow drip spec limbo, and milk consumers. The model was also very observable in cellphone data plans and hardware specs for a while. I’m sorry, it’s a touchy subject for me, because I get infuriated when technological progress is snuffed out by monetizing the value of maximizing minimal delivery of incremental improvement with maximal sensationalism over the slowest time possible. Don’t pay attention, r oculus is flooded with marketers like a Rose has thorns.

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Well Lucky Palmer may have had his issues in the past but like i said. If you read well he’s given the PiMax team several endorsements & one of tge best was at the Oculus conference.

“PiMax isn’t that scary yet.”


I see many have downrated the troll fanboy. Lol


Never had an issue with Palmer. I think he would have ran oculus totally differently and eventually been a lot richer than he is.

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That’s not what Palmer said; he mentioned Pimax and Neurable in the “same box”, and the conversation was about Neurable. Also the scary he was talking about was the context of BCI (brain-computer interfaces), not in a business sense but as in reading your thoughts no matter what your choice is.

Reference: Palmer Luckey Speaking At Oculus Connect 4 (Part 2) - YouTube (yep, it’s a casual corridor chat). What he says is that it’s really early for Pimax and Neurable and he doesn’t want to give people too strong preconceptions.

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Having my thoughts read with or without my consent would be like being raped.

Sure its a spin but in perspective fits. You remember the old thought controller? Use your mind to play. Used to be on Tigerdirect never marketed well enough to take off.

Another big issue we will have to contend with soon as will be neural programing via outside interference. Might need a helmet like Magneeto wears in X-Men. :sunglasses:

Also not quite on board with the scent module either, if scents are created with petrochemicals it can be very dangerous for ones health. Artificial commercial scent products are known to degrade ones capability to smell over time.

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Regarding some points the guy made:

“However, each panel can only accept a 2560x1440 signal. It is to me, almost a scam to call this thing “8K”, when in reality it is sending out 1440p per eye, ie 4K overall.”

Yeah I kinda agree, it wasn’t a good move to call it Pimax 8k. It sure had a lot of controversy and rightly so. I think they should have called it ‘4k DUO’ something like that would have suited much better.

“Tested has confirmed that you can see the screen door effect”

SDE will probably be pretty much the same as on the 4k (given they seem to use an improved version of the current panel). It’s there and you can see it but you really have to focus to see it. I highly doubt anyone will complain about SDE with the Pimax 8k.

“But even once this is used, the distortion still exists. And it’s bad. To quote Norm from Tested”

It’s confirmed that the IPD was wrong during the Tested review. People who did test it later on did see some warping around the edges but most said it wasn’t too bad at all.

“The Pimax 8K requires 3x the GPU horsepower than the Rift if we consider the raw pixels alone.And that’s not including the overhead of a higher GPU. Overall, I’d expect around 4x the GPU horsepower.”

And here he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Well written games will scale well, which means you do NOT need a 2x faster GPU for 2x more pixels. In fact with 20-30% more GPU power you can render 2x more pixels. For example see “Ashes of Singularity” and notice how 2x more pixels only uses few percent more GPU: Ashes of the Singularity - The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 & GTX 1070 Founders Editions Review: Kicking Off the FinFET Generation

Of course some games will be horribly coded and will need almost 2x GPU power for 2x more pixels. But these most likely will be crappy games to begin with.

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Also of note he says GearVR costs $129 he has forgotten to add tge price of the phone. Which of course does potenially make the Oculus go a good value at $200 and you don’t have to dedicate a phone for use…


Ya… this is pretty much just a fanboy snippeting the worst criticism statements from reviewers for each little segment and drawing really pointless comparisons.

Like saying the lenses should look like the prototype of the StarVR which is nearly a 3 year old prototype now I believe, and that headset is strictly dragged into commercial space.

People pay 700-800$ for a monitor regularly now days not to mention with high end hardware, saying a product is unviable because you can’t get into it for 500$ total is just dumb.

There are people out there that run the highest end hardware and are looking for the next greatest sets of peripherals to go with them.


After reading through the whole thread I liked how he summed things up with:

“If they can solve the lens issue, it’ll be a great product with a place in the market. But it really is a crippling flaw if they cannot”…

No shit dickhead you’ve been ranting abut the prototype


A word of warning about the Oculus subreddit, it is a hotbed of Facebook and Oculus fanbois that love to defecate on anything that isn’t Facebook or Oculus.
Take what they say with a grain of salt, not all of them are bad. But, there is a sizable number of users that love to “defend” Facebook and Oculus.

I don’t really like Palmer Lucky myself, but I don’t think he is a complete moron like John Carmack says. John Carmack also admitted to performing Intellectual Property theft while under oath in the US Courts. :expressionless: :unamused:
Just in case anyone was not aware… the Oculus and any derivative works were created from the Intellectual Property that John Carmack stole from Zenimax. Zenimax actually has both Facebook and Oculus in a very precarious position right now because of this.

So… In a effort to at least be aware about things, I did some additional research and from what I can tell Palmer is actually very knowledgeable about VR and not as uninformed as Mr. Carmack says… His endorsement is a good thing, not that I really needed it.