Quickstarts to upgrade plan

Hi Community,

Complex upgrade plans may cause you a lot of trouble.

No worries, here is a quick start, to make it easier for you to read and understand quickly. Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,


Please add a subclause for Fringe cases not covered by Plan A to G which would require filing a ticket. For example those who only backed controllers and want to use that for the discount or backers who want to trade in their eyetracking for a discount etc.

Since A and B only deals with full bundles.


Where is the current owner plan for who want to lose no stretch goal reward and get same discount as Plan D-1?


Surely Plan F is not just for people upgrading their headset. Shouldnā€™t it also be for the other ā€œfull packageā€ backers?

@Matthew.Xu The problem is that when I went through the shopping cart and chose option C and then selected keeping the eyetracking discount. It displayed 1098 instead of 999.

Then I went to check what the ā€˜Current ownerā€™ discount was and it was 1099 without giving up any backer benefits. So I would be stupid to give my backer benefits up due to your broken shopping cart for $1 and I proceeded with the current owner discount instead.

So what do we do now? Will Pimax run it through at the proper price of $999 for me?

It is pointless giving a quickstart quide for choosing the backer plansā€¦when your backer plans donā€™t work correctly when you actually go to use themā€¦

What is your suggestion for the next step?


This is the same as the published slides, except it has a white background.
You should take a look at post like this:




Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ll have to file a ticket for my case. I want to opt out of the controllers on my pledge (210$) as well as the stretch goals (except the eye tracking). If I do plan B, and pay the difference for the base stations not being included, Iā€™d actually be losing money.

@Matthew.Xu this is all great information but there is at least one scenario (maybe more) missingā€¦

Backers receive the discount, apply their $100 8k to 5k+ downgrade and $300 full package credits, while retaining all stretch goals. By my math, this would result in the ability to purchase a ā€˜baseā€™ 8kX for $799.

If this ā€˜optionā€™ was available, I would pre-order an 8kX (including some accessories) ASAP.

If not available, can you please explain the rationale for making all backer options contingent on opting-out of stretch goals (excepting the eye-tracker, of course).


We have fixed this problem, please check the correct price as below. Thank you.

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We do not force any backers or users to upgrade, backers or users can choose the upgrade plan according to their own needs. Although the possible upgrade plan is not perfect.
I think you can apply for a refund of $300 deposit, and then use $100 credit to purchase the upgrade Plan for current owner.
Because the price is the same as $799 as you said. What do you think?
Thank you very much.

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@Matthew.Xu Thank you for getting that resolved. Due to this not being fixed at the time of the store launch I have already run through an order as an ā€™ ownerā€™ I think there are a few of us that have done this, do I raise a ticket with support to revise the order or are there other options to opt out of the backer benefits?

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@Matthew.Xu I think that sounds good. Now if the website would allow me to make those ā€˜adjustmentsā€™ for a $799 ā€˜baseā€™ price, plus allow me to add the deluxe audio and the hand-tracking unit, we would have a ā€˜dealā€™.

Thanks for your time and attention.


Plan C - Upgrade to 8K+ & keep bundle.

OK, letā€™s price this outā€¦

*Base price $999
*Forced use of $100 credit for 8K-5K downgrade ($899)
*Opt out from all stretch goals ($749)

$150 off, for surrendering ~$400 of stretch goals ($100 wireless voucher, $120 audio headstrap, $100 eye tracking voucher, fan, prescription frame, content, face cushions). In what universe does that not count as a complete rip-off??

Just tell me how to use my $100 credit to upgrade my controller bundle to the Index controllers and thatā€™ll be the end of my interactions with Pimax after my stretch goals have been honoured.


So you mean, you choose the wrong Plan, and now you want to re-choose Plan C, right?
If so, please go to the helpdesk to apply for a refund, and then re-choose Plan C. Thank you.

i double this, i just want the controllers but 180 dollars for the valve controllers is way to high, how much do pimaxs future controllers cost? 50 bucks for the pair?

the options not there anymore for the controllers :frowning:

So, from what Iā€™m hearing in Discord, this path to obtaining an upgrade, while retaining all stretch goals, has been ā€˜cut off at the kneesā€™. The ā€˜Current Ownerā€™ option is not accepting previously given codes.

Whatā€™s the official Pimax position on this now, @Matthew.Xu? Is this another promise that Pimax has gone back on?

Please help me understand my path to upgrading, using my $100 downgrade credit and my $300 full package deposit, while keeping all stretch goals.

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I am interested in this as well, with 1 change I would like to keep the base stations and opt out of controllers.@Matthew.Xu

If you want to keep all the stretch targets, you cannot use the backer upgrade plan.

It seems that only the current owner upgrade plan is suitable for you, and you can use $100 credit, please go to the helpdesk to ask for credit code. Thank you.

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