Quick Early Review 8K From Blurry 150 FoV to Sharp 170 FoV

Just received my 8K a few days ago 10/31 and write this to share
with others a few of my early experiences and impressions.

Day One reception

received Pimax 8K
busy, no time to setup just enjoyed that it had finally arrived
Immediate impression surprisingly light and nice packaging as well as good looking.

Day Two

Set up
OG1 Vive owner since 4/2016
No hurry in setting up from experience knew and was expecting some issue similar to my Vive first encounter.

First Go Installed PiTool ERROR
OK not a good start
Tried everything I could think of. Time to contact support.
While waiting…

For background I have two computers one with OC 1080ti and another with two OC 980ti.
Trying the install on my 1080ti for the obvious reason.

Day Three

While waiting
I know I’ll try the 980ti really don’t expect it to work something about using 1.2 dp.
What the hell

Was able download Pitool successfully on this other computer and to connect my Pimax 8K.

Loaded SkyrimVR and was finally able to get my first impressions.

And now for something completely different

Where am I? I’m in SkyrimVR using my Pimax 8K with a 980ti.

169 active mods and its working on my Pimax 8K unbelievable!

100’s of hours playing this game with my OG2 Vive. So I know a little about the game.

Looking thru the Pimax8K


Having made no adjustments just placing on head; Nice its rendering but blurry,


Adjusted IPD repositioned for best sweet spot. Oh thats better! Hopefully you get the idea.

Gradually the image began to improve with some tweaking

Scaling seems very good felt most immersion so far in game.

Do to a case of luck by misfortune waiting on my other computer software to get fixed I was able to discover that the Pimax 8k can run SkyrimVR on a 980ti atleast acceptable to me.

Colors compared to the Vive little to no difference very nice on my 8k blacks to me very acceptable in fact the colors are or can improved by using the right settings.

Very vibrant here I was very impressed. Not expecting that nice surprise.

End of Wait…
Was contacted by Pimax support and received two dll files that allowed me to download the PiTool for it to run properly on my computer with the 1080ti. Unfortunately I had another issue and decided to just do a fresh install of Windows 10.

Happy to report that my Pimax 8K is now working with my 1080ti now.

Now Playing in Large FoV 170 and it is my preferred setting for SkyrimVR the virtual world deserves this setting and I do not like the normal FoV nearly as well here. Strangely enough I see less distortion with 170 v.s 150. The edge distortion others have reported on is so small and trivial just being about the thickness of the edge of a strong pair of glasses at the extreme outer edge, after a short time I didn’t even notice it any longer.

As can be expected and goes without saying SkyrimVR using the 1080ti Is a better experience overall with better clarity and performance over my other card. 980ti is still good with this game if that is all you have.

In conclusion just a brief first impression hopefully I didn’t harm anyone in the making of this report.

Pimax 8K gets my approval from a serious VR enthusiast and SkyrimVR modder.

Good work Pimax Team!

small necessary edit: in my early morning attempts to write these thoughts down I miss remembered one fact the SkyrimVR session on the 980ti was a fresh game not the 169 active modded game. For a brief time before windows 10 reinstall I was able to play the modded SkyrimVR on the 1080ti thru the Pimax 8K and it worked just to clarify not wanting to misinform is the reason for this edit


Nice review, thanks!


Tell us about SDE, please.

  1. Do you see SDE on a virtual desktop?
  2. Do you see him in movies and games?
  3. Is SDE annoying sometimes?

Thanks for the review :slight_smile:

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Just to compare for whatever he answers;
I have a pimax 5K+, and while I can see the sde if I hold my head still, the moment I move my head or look at the object rather than the screen, it’s nearly completely lost, like any movement at all makes the sde become very faint.


I have only used SkyrimVR and can only give you my impressions of it in that game. Know that I’m a graphics snob and one of my challenges is always enhancing a game with hd and even ultra hd mods I’m in it for the arts sake I guess you could say. So for me SDE is there but I would recommend a change of that description from screen door effect to something less noticeable to something like maybe canvas effect. I can also see how some people with certain eye sight could honestly say they do not notice it at all. Of course it would be great if it was gone completely but Pimax has made the effect less noticeable. At times it does annoy but so does every other headset I have tried only more so. Eventually they will get there. :nerd:

edit : with text your going to see the effect much more so
also would like to add I can only compare this to the Two (Ogv1 Ogv2 Vives) and Rift being the only other headsets I own.


That’s very interesting news. At least 1 backer was unable to use a 980Ti to drive his headset. There was speculation that DisplayPort 1.4 was required (and the 980Ti only has DP 1.2). It is nice to know that the 980Ti can actually work (even if it’s a bit under-powered).

This no longer affects me, since I recently replaced my 980Ti with a 2080. Now all I need is my 5K+!


Yes neal_white_iii I really wondered if it would work reading the same as you had. Both cpu and gpu overclocked probably helped and dp 1.2 seems to have been a non issue.


Very nice to hear another good impression!

The wait for the rest of us is torture.


Did you observed any latency when moving your head quickly ?
MRTV reported that the the VR world does not stay fixed in plane when you turn your head quickly.

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No flobv although, I haven’t done the vigorous head shake test yet. And to be honest with you I think I’ll pass on that one and save my neck at my age the results could be disastrous.:tired_face:


nice review,let us know when you played more games and what you think of it on the pimax! @Fresco


Canvas or textured looking is definitely perhaps a better description of the sde. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


Remember if this was from the m1 test phase; a number if things have changed in the pitool software & not just the FoV options. There driver has been more optimized compared to those early days where it was a complete no go.

I even get some interesting positive results in some titles on the r9 390 8g with dp 1.2.


While the wait is terrible; when you do receive it; things will work even smoother & folks other than the 3+1 whom shall not be said. Will have tips & tricks.


Does it visually look like this canvas? :slight_smile:

Or such a canvas?

Or maybe some of these will be similar? :grin:

there is still this:


Hard to say we’d need to display the colors you presented. Lol

Can you paint a game scene for easier reference? :smirk:

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oops :smirk: I think it will be problematic.
It is hardly possible to draw this canvas in the game … If I can do this, I will let you know, definitely.
Just then we replace SDE with a canvas and get the effect in the game. It will look interesting, probably.
It will be necessary to analyze this moment, yes…:ok_hand:

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The second image Century seems to be a the best approximation much finer thanks for uploading these images appreciate it. :+1:


great, now we know which canvas is more suitable :slight_smile: :+1:

And now it would be interesting owners 5K+ would choose which canvas … Well, in general, for comparison :rolling_eyes: