Question about the latest weekly update

Hi @PimaxQuorra i do not understand the status of plan F for eu customers. A 3 weeks ago i got the following answer, when i asked about my plan F order so9263 : “Now the controller and base station already on the way to EU FBA warehouse. Once it arrived, we will start to ship all orders. Pls be a little patient. Thanks.”

Now apart from that last sentence (:thinking:), i was in the belief that it would take a few days by Air and then a few via Amazon to me. I was wondering when they would arrive already, and now i read a totally different story in the update?

Maybe you could kindly clear this up for me?


Hello Mindscan,

Yes. It did heading to the EU FBA warehouse, but there are still some customs issues. We are trying to arrange to make the shipment ASAP, since we don’t want to delay the delivery date.

We will go and check the status with the warehouse, if it is ready to go, will move on the delivery process immediately.



Ok, thanks for clearing that up. Customs is indeed something we can’t control :slight_smile:

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any update regarding the EU customs issue? Eagerly awaiting my base stations and Index controllers (SO6108).

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