Question about the 8k youtube video (Syren)

Hey guys

We all know how bad these through the lens video’s are but still…

I tried to get some good shots of the video when he has the hmd facing the computers in the game.
because it shows us how readable small text is (when he holds it still for a split second)

It wasn’t easy because he kept moving it around too much and because the video has terrible ghosting!
(is that reprojection? or artifacts from video editing? who knows…)

Anyway, i got these:

Small text up close: As you can see, very nicely readable!

Small text further away. on the right, still readable.

Second picture is of course much harder to read than the first one but keep in mind it’s a shitty low res video of a headset moving around. with the headset on your face it’s probably no problem at all.

So what’s my question?
Well, does anyone have that game, Syren? If you do, do me a favor and check out this small text on your vive or rift and tell me if you can read it… up close , further away…
I’m curious.


Really? No one? No one has that game?