Production Schedule versus Order Numbers

Please advise the relationship between Order Numbers and Production Numbers?
I have a paid and processed order number 1235xx and if that relates to the current production numbers for the 5K+ then I have about a 10 year wait at the current rates


It doesn’t.

Seems like they jumped from about 2000 to 120000 within the first few days of pre-orders (late October).


Whew thank God for that and thank you for your response. I have been trying for weeks to clarify as I didn’t think that they could possibly have that many ordered.
So maybe only a couple of thousand to go.


I was wondering the same as I am in 123 5xx as well


Good luck and post a reply if and when you get yours.
I’m in Australia.


OK, I am in UK, I placed my order on 2nd of Feb 2019.
Got the order confirmation stating : “Your order will be shipping around Feb 21th to Feb 27th”
and my current status is “Unfulfilled”

About the same for you?


Yes 5K+ ordered 3rd Feb and estimated delivery 27th Feb. O/N 123573
I suggest that any 5K+ customers post a reply when they receiver their unit stating their order number so that we can get a reasonable guide on when we are going to receive our unit.
From what I read I think that it will be worth the wait and will come down to your own expectations and the performance of your equipment. Not everyone will be happy but that is the chance we take when we have no way of testing prior to ordering.
Good Luck

Ordered 30th october and got 121xxx, so i also think that there was a big jump in numbers but not in orders. People which ordered in feb. got 122xxx - 123xxx, so if you calculate that, there were just 2 - 3k orders within 3 months. So there is no way that they sold so much in few days

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I’m a backer and order number 62## and legit no tracking number or shipping email so far, feels abit bad how terrible the backers are being treated with no communication whatsoever T.T

Hi Guys, I deleted my previous message which was saying that yesterday I received an email from dpd stating I had a parcel coming for today. Few hours later I thought: “Ho no actually this is surely this online shopping place sending the shoes I ordered… :frowning_face:” but then I received an email from UPS regarding those shoes… and this morning an email and text from Pimax with an update on tracking from dpd, my Fulfillment Status, is now fullfilled!

So it might be for today! keep hope guys, it happens all suddenly with no warning!

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That’s great news but there does not appear to be much of a pattern to when ppl are receiving their orders.
Here in Aus there are very few reports of anyone receiving their HMDs

Have u received your HMD yet? Do you know anyone in aus that has received a 5K+ and their location?

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I coud not find it like that but there is a german youtuber who says he had a Webcam chat with Pimax and they said they were sending all preorders until end of March.

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Thanks Angus actually I was trying to contact KittensScythe au here in Aus but I should have clicked the correct ‘Reply’.
I hope that u are pleased with your HMD as appears there have been a number of disappointments.

Sadly not, I changed my backing from a 5k+ to a 5k BE or whatever it’s been renamed too back in November/december. However @anon74848233 told me it should ship.with the 8k’s, so fairly soon, however I don’t even have a tracking number as of yet so most likely end of the month lol.

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Don’t place too much faith in the tracking number. I got my 8K 10 days ago and I have not yet received a tracking number. It’s possible that yours is on the way.

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Well I was told it was still being built, and checking the Google doc it has the same status of building as before T.T

Unfortunately, the Google spreadsheet appears to be out-of-date.

So I indeed received it yesterday, however I am so busy at work that I haven’t tried it yet. I will do probably tomorrow evening.

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