Private Beta Build v0.40 - DropDown auto-scroll, hand positions corrected, and more


Use PiTool version Beta (or later). PVRHome beta updates do NOT include PiTool anymore, because its not needed anymore.
Just get latest PiTool here:
And simply replace the content of PVRHome folder (read how-to below)

Download Pimax VR Experience

Beta v0.40:

Beta v0.40 Release Notes:

1 Dropdowns: Dropdown menus now AUTO-scroll to the selected item (finally!). Makes it so much easier to browse through dropdown menus and get back to previous value or just move to next.

2. Dropdowns: Added checkbox to selected item in dropdown. Slight UI change in dropdowns.

3. Hand Modes: Fixed hand (pointer) position for all new Hand models, so the pointers (circles) correctly matches the finger top positions.

4. Game-page: Corrected “Launcher” information for custom imported games, now it shows "SteamVR/PiTool/Runtime) depending on what is set for the imported game.

5. Recenter popup: Recenter-popup corrently hides and shows now (found a bug). Popup is shown the first 3 times PE launches. Later, its hidden.

6. SteamVR Backup file namagement: SteamVR config file automatic backup is made only ONCE per day now, so config backups only have date in name now, not time. (otherwise too many files were created, basically every time you launch a game with SteamVR profile set)

7. Fix: Further improved cleaning up values and fields in Settings/dropdowns/selectors to free up some RAM when pages are closed.

How to get started (IMPORTANT)

  1. Install the PiTool (or later) here:
  2. Open PiTool, go to Settings → General and DISABLE/UNCHECK “Start Pimax VR Home”
  3. Go to C:\Program Files\Pimax\PVRHome\ and remove all content inside the folder.
  4. Copy all content from this ZIP/RAR and paste it into C:\Program Files\Pimax\PVRHome\
  5. In PiTool, go to Settings → General and ENABLE/CHECK “Start Pimax VR Home” to start the Pimax VR Experience

Pimax VR Experience should now start in the background and inside your Pimax VR headset.

Check the Unity log file:

The log is created every time you exit the application.
So to be able to read the log, exit Pimax VR Experience first, by:

  • open PiTool, go to Settings → General and DISABLE/UNCHECK “Start Pimax VR Home”


  • Click on the Quit button (bottom bar) in the Pimax VR Experience

The log file is called:
The previously created log is (previous instance of the application running):

Game Appdata files & config

The program appdata files, user settings file, favorites etc that are used by VR Experience are located in:

User Settings profile:

Other useful info

Game import-data profiles (SteamVR/VivePort/Revive/Imported) are located in:


Game import-data profiles (Oculus games only) are located in (temporary solution):

Game SETTINGS profiles (SteamVR/Oculus/VivePort/Imported) are located in:

Favorites import-data profiles are located in:

SteamVR Optimization profiles for SteamVR/VivePort/Imported games are located in:

Thank you for helping out!
/ Martin, SweViver