Edit : Important : Scroll down the first post to reach the last version.
I swear I wanted to do this since almost a year now.
But everytime I was like “nhaa too late, it will be obsolete in a few days once we get the real one…”
And so, a few days ago I started it. Better late than never I guess.
My printed upgrade for the original Pimax 8k/5k+ headstrap.
As you can see on the pictures I am running out of foam but even with some pieces its already much better, of course it have to be foam everywhere for optimal comfort.
Original straps just pass thru it.
Easily adjustable and dont even need to release to remove headset, while holding the printed part we can slightly strech it to put it off.
And bonus so easy to put on now.
Print it upward (rear side on the platform) will save you time and material but horizontally would be the best, using lots of supports but in the right axies for strenght.
Of course printing material doesnt matter, pla, abs just make it 50% infill not less or 4 walls thick, I use 0.8mm nozzle with 3 walls for this kind of printing.
With any 3D printing sofware/slicer you can also strech the model up/down or whatever to adjust your head without deforming it too much.
Hope you like it, I do ^^, should really have make this for a while now.
Oh and yeah, since I use earpods I did not include speakers, sorry but this should not be a problem to modify it or adjusting it.
I have 2 DAS at home but my kids use them so I went for without speakers ^^.
If you want to download it, there it is → Pimax 8k/5K+ headstrap with headphones upgrade by adonfff - Thingiverse
Ok lets call it V1 since everything can be enhanced but it does the job pretty well actually

Some printing instructions and where to download are here → Pimax 8k/5K+ headstrap with headphones upgrade by adonfff - Thingiverse
I will try to see if I can make something to get rid of the rubber bands so its easier to put on.
New link is Pimax 8k/5K+ headstrap with headphones upgrade 2 by adonfff - Thingiverse for lastest version
Added 60, 45/50 and 45/50 tilted headphones foam cushion size.
Best is 45/50 Tilted, with → https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32969877364.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27426c37HtBbrd
Download link → Pimax 8k/5K+ headstrap with headphones upgrade 2 by adonfff - Thingiverse