Prescription inserts production time?

A lot of backers need prescription lens. Using glasses is not the greatest experience with Pimax HMD. The Pimax lenses are very close to your eyes and if you wear glasses there is a very high chance of the scratching the lenses. Do we have an ETA on the prescription inserts? This is also going to be important for pre order and future customers.


Yes, i have scratching my lenses with my glasses :cry:
I can not wait to get my prescription frame.


I’ve been urging Pimax for months thru this forum and PMs to get the frames finalized and sent to prescription lens makers and then of course to us the customers. They have shown no urgency in doing this though in the last couple of weeks they have been in touch with at least one lens maker that I’m aware of.

What they could do for us, which would speed up our (the customers) chances of getting the frames sooner, would be to give us the code/specs to 3D print them. Would save them a lot in postage. Not everyone has a 3D printer but many do and many others probably know someone who has one. That way, when your favorite lens maker goes into production, you will have frames to mount them in.

I too have tried to use my glasses but they touch the pimax lenses so I quit doing that. I really need the prescription inserts. And I knew I would. That is why I’ve tried so hard to get Pimax to move on this.



Has anyone checked if they included the magnetic mounting points on the hmd for the lens insert to snap into?

If they are yet to actually design the insert, are they yet to turn their attention to the placement of mounting points? Did they miss the boat here or do they simply have to design the frame around the mounting points now?


Lens user here… Hopefully Pimax will get us something soon.



I was JUST going to start a new thread about this very topic, asking the same thing! Wow, I can’t believe these are not even close to being released yet! Are you kidding me? My 5K+ got delivered a couple weeks ago and it’s been sitting here unopened in the box collecting dust, because I was waiting for when they’d announce shipping the lens inserts. I thought the release was imminent. Wow, looks like it’ll be sitting here unopened for the several months :frowning: No need to even try it if I can’t see anything :frowning:

C’mon Pimax what is going on you guys??? Get us glasses users our lens inserts already. I’m sure there’s A LOT of us out there who need them ASAP!!!


Thanks for your advice.

Seems lots of backers need VR frame to locate prescription lens for getting better VR experience


Yes we do, and since the Kickstarter included it, I’m pretty sure Pimax knew this too? Please can you work on this ASAP? at least release a 3D model so we can print it for ourselves. Thanks

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@anon74848233 i use glasses if dont work with it like pimax said that would, At least send a ticker foam and vr frame please…

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Add me to this list. This would be a game changer for comfort and overall experience.

I need to be added to the list too. Wearing glasses in the Pimax is an unpleasent experience.

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I also wear glasses :sunglasses:, so please add me to the list.

This is why I decided to buy a set of daily contact lenses until the frame is available to have lenses fit into.

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Looking at my 5k+ I neither see nor feel any magnetic mounting points. Also ran a slightly magnetized screw driver around to see if there was any pull. None. So my assessment is that there are none. It might be possible to design ring that would mount around the perimeter of the lens like the ones for my Vive. It would have to slip over the cloth shroud around each lens but the fabric is very flexible/stretchy. Though problem might be that several on/off cycles (say for cleaning) might wear a hole in the fabric.

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:+1: I think I will do the same until there is some solution. Lens makers may have to fab their own design.

For the time being, try using lens protectors like these. They’re big enough that I can’t see the edges. At least I don’t notice them. And I get to enjoy my Pimax without worrying about scratches.

It’s not an ideal solution as glasses still have to deal with the face pad. And they seem to sit in the wrong place on my nose half the time. No room. Can’t wait for inserts!


What is Pimax doing about it?


Hopefully they’re making progress on it and will let us know something soon.


Yes,we will do this.

All suggestions status will be release latter(i will create google drive for backers to check their suggestion status)


Please make the glasses frame a PRIORITY. As me and many others on this forum, this is a top1 priority, not eye tracking, not wireless module etc. Priority should be vr glasses frame. Please.