Prepar3d V4 shaking or extreme judder

One of the hopes, the main reason for purchase over Oculus or Vive, is that the Pimax 4k will have a high enough resolution to make aircraft gauges in Prepar3d readable for proper use. I was very excited to find that it is true and workable. But I have much shaking of the displayed image, but only in the Pimax, not on the PC monitor. There is more shaking of the landscape out the windows, and not so much the cockpit of the airplane. It is the only program that is doing this, all others are beautiful and stable.
This issue shows itself most when panning/turning my head in any direction, not so much with a steady gaze in one direction. The cockpit shakes most with a head turn while the landscape shakes all the time fairly equally.
Please ask questions and help me resolve this because I will be bringing my findings to many others in the flight simming community and encouraging them to try Pimax, as many of them are willing to spend much for bleeding edge performance early and yours is the first high res VR HMD that may work to specs that are demanded for Prepar3d.

can you please tell us your system specs, also what versions of piplay and firmware do you have.

does the game have any vertical sync options or super sampling settings, is it running under steamvr / oculus runtime or another framework?



p.s had a look at the flight sim on youtube… very impressive! might have to give it a go myself!

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3077k OCed to 4.6Ghz, 32GB RAM, 2 GTX 780 in SLI. Piplay 1.2.75, firmware for 102xxxx… serial upgraded to

To be clear, Prepar3d is not a game. It cannot be sold as a game as Lockheed Martin’s licensing of Microsoft’s Enterprise Simulation Platform is for professional or educational use only. Prepar3d is a program which if configured correctly can be certified by the FAA for Instrument Flight Rules training. It is primarily being sold as a world theater-wide combat training platform by Lockheed Martin. Prepar3d v4 is the latest in the lineage that began as SubLogic’s Flight Simulator almost 40 years ago. Our girl/boy has grown up!

Flight Simulator enthusiasts, Now Prepar3d users are extremely interested in the latest tech. The community quickly adopts anything that comes along that is proven to bring more immersion and realism to the simulation. Flight Simmers have been riding the bleeding edge of tech for 30 years, often working directly with hardware and software vendors to reach their goals. I believe the Pimax 4k is the first VR HMD that will bring great interest from this community.

Other than resolution, another reason to prefer a Pimax is that P3D is not capable of reaching the 90fps demand for Vive and Oculus. There is a software solution for that, FlyInside (not ready for P3D v4 yet), but many Prepar3d users, the one’s not on the bleeding edge, would still need an expensive upgrade. And if the Pimax 8k works well enough users will be clamoring for it in spite of a certain need to upgrade their GPUs. I am hoping not to have to ditch my nice 780 SLI for a 1080 Ti.

I have tried both vsync on and off from within the program. both on and off for MSAA up to 8x and FXAA. I don’t see the issue on the mirror view, just the Pimax. Prepar3d has a built-in Vive plugin which is loaded by SteamVR. I have read a post here by a user that seems to have an earlier version of P3D running. I still have that version, but I’m not wanting to reinstall it just yet.

Thanks for your help. If you do give Prepar3d an “academic” look and like it, check out the P3D forum at avsim: The Prepar3d Forum - The AVSIM Community I will probably be posting my findings there.

Update: I’ve reinstalled the older version of P3D, 3.4.22. Completely clean installation, same result. Shakiness/extreme judder, mostly outside the cockpit, especially when turning my head. Sigh.

New Update: I’ve installed Flyinside into P3D 3.4.22 (it is not yet compatible with the 64bit P3D v4) and it is slightly better. I do not get the judder with the Riftcat and Gear VR configuration over USB. I hope there is a fix for this. Searching.

One thing I need to consider is that I am using the onboard motherboard display along with the SLIed 780. There are 2 DVI an HDMI and a display port on those cards. But I do not have a display port monitor nor an adapter. I have 3 monitors for 5760 gaming/simming. I gave the HDMI hooked monitors port to the Pimax and connected it to the MB internal HDMI port, Intel HD4000 or something. When I installed Pimax I disabled the onboard through device manager, not the bios. And I tested to see if Pimax would work with it enabled again, so I could use the third monitor again as I was used to as a desktop. It worked.

I have disabled it again in device manager to see if the shaking would go away, and it didn’t seem to affect it. But I am wondering if I should do it at the bios level. Does anyone know if I will be able to hook that third monitor to the display port with an adapter and run 4 displays (3 monitors and 1 Pimax) off the the one card (to run SLI you can only attach monitors to one card).

I’m not sure what I did, but since I installed Flyinside in P3D 3.4.22 it has stopped the shaking. Not at first, but I have been moving configs about and it is stable now in the older version. I switched P3D v4 and still have the shaking. I really like the way it looks in v4 much better as there are better lighting controls in v4, but the shaking is a killer.

After watching it for a while it almost looks as if the frames are coming in to the Pimax 4k in the wrong order. Something is shuffeling them before display… Some of the things I remember changing FlyInside had to do with resolution and framerate limiting, so I’ll take a look at what I can do, maybe an external frame limiter. P3D has one internal but doesn’t seem to have any effect.

Since Prepar3d has both Oculus and SteamVR functionality built in, I am curious if there is some kind issue created by having both oculus and steamvr going at the same time. Does PiPlay make a pick somehow one over the other? SteamVR starts, but I turned off the “start with application” option, and somehow it still runs. Since it seems that SteamVR is the default choice of PiPlay, I wanted to see what would happen if I started it with Oculus, if the shaking goes away. Anyone have any paths to take towards that?

Imma gonna try out the new 1.2.85 to see if it helps. And then Imma gonna go backwards to 1.9…? to see if that is the ticket if that doesn’t work.