[Poll] Would you like an intermediate over-the-ears headstrap alternative?

Heh yes if Bose who is a speaker manufacturer demoed poor quality sample speakers then yes that would be a bad idea.

However, you have made the most disingenuous example so far in this thread as to have any continuity it would be the headset we are talking about not a speaker driver. Hmm your example a speaker manufacturer showing poor quality speakers is bad. Uh yeah, of course.

Tesla showed their prototype truck with prototype glass that broke. Apple showed prototype iPhone that crashed on stage and yes most products you see at CES are indeed prototypes that have components within them that are not final.

Here is the Helio example in another context just for fun. "If Owens Corning demonstrated glass for use in phones at a show that was on a cracked sample this would be bad!!! - as Helio’s example of the Tesla Truck window glass breakage on stage. An example designed to get a YES (i.e. glass maker with failed glass) to equate to the occurrence Truck maker showing a prototype with a failed broken window demonstration.

I highly suggest judgement is reserved until you either get to test the audio yourself or see the final MAS in the hands of someone you trust that provides some feedback. Each one I have tried was better than the previous version.

At that time it is then logical to have some conversations on where we should push the quality higher and where we should place our efforts to improve. THAT is when a poll would be a useful thing because we really will need your help to know the best next steps.


It’s on the Kickstarter page. Fwiw, I agree with you. It’s not a big deal and Pimax needs to focus on fulfilling their existing promises before tackling anything else. Also: I’m upgrading to the Deluxe MAS.



I recommend you and @Heliosurge take your personal disputes to somewhere else. Because yes that’s what it is.


Aw, they havent even brought out the brass knuckles yet :frowning:

I agree it is bad to demo something and ask people’s impressions of something that is not going to represent anything near final product. So not sure why it was done.

But let’s get back on topic instead of side tracking it with petty justifications (on why it was bad)
and close minded bickering.

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Good point. Check with @neelrocker and maybe remove any of these posts he sees as off topic.

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Yeah, and I’d really like to know that.

I voted to keep the current two options because I understand we cannot overload the engineering department, but with orders open the Deluxe Headphones topic should be clarified.


I was a late backer, and was watching this kick starter for a long time, I was on the fence about going in on this kick starter, as it was my fist kick starter, and was a lot of money to lose. In the end I only went for the kick starter because of the stretched goals, and it was the picture of standard headstrap upgrade with earphones that pushed me over the fence to back Pimax.
And like you I will be upgrading to Deluxe MAS.


You keep ignoring the argument about isolation from outside sounds.
We don’t need at all to test your open speaker system to know it will NOT isolate.
Your suggestion is backers wait they receive the current MAS and then what ? If they dislike you will then “maybe” develop the intermediate headphones and offer backers to pay to get it ? (with a $35 shipping + customs)

No, the KS was promoting a free strech goal rigid strap with headphones covering ears.
It is NOW a poll is useful, before backers not paying to upgrade to deluxe receive the current standard MAS with open speakers, so they can tell Pimax they dislike being forced into getting a completely different audio solution than Pimax was promoting at the time they were trying to get their money.

In the end I don’t think it is you who have the final word on deciding what SKUs Pimax will or will not develop.
The difficulty is how backers can make their concerns heard by those Pimax persons who take such decision.
If it is meant to be relayed by you then unhappy backers cannot have their voice heard because you are not neutral at all, you try to advocate your own vision of what Pimax must do, and you try to convince backers they should trust your vision.

Doing so you act against backers who don’t agree with your vision and who still have very valid concerns like asking Pimax to honour the promise made at the kickstarter. Those people can’t make them heard from Pimax persons deciding if those concerns are valid, because you will filter them, you won’t pass that word going against your own vision of what Pimax must do, and they don’t read here themselves.

I think this open speakers + paying deluxe version (+ comfort kit) is an idea from you that you managed to make accepted by Pimax, and that is why you come here to try to preach for it and try to stop/break any action from backers who disagree and who ask Pimax to honour the initial KS promise.

You won’t convince me. I keep thinking this MAS/DAS idea came out purely for economical reasons. The MAS is cheaper and will be more robust, and the DAS can make backers give more money again. And now you try to convince backers who don’t want to upgrade to DAS that the MAS will be “good enough”, while people who are less concerned by sending more money into their VR hobby don’t even need to be convinced as they are more than happy to be able to upgrade to a more high end DAS.

People who pay the bill are backers who cannot/don’t want to pay again to upgrade and are not satisfied being forced into a MAS they don’t want and will never be convinced about, and that has significantly worsened the initial promise.

Despite having a very valid concern those backers who just want to get the initial promise have now to fight against backers who are more than happy to pay again for something more premium and backers you manage to convince the MAS will be fine. This is the result of your “divide and conquer” strategy.


Unfortunately, I think you may have hit the nail on the head here, I am still not convinced the comfort kit will not be like strapping an electric blanket to your forehead, and there still is no mention of the how the fans are going to work with how the comfort kit is now.

The added value of stretch goals made me pull the trigger, especially the eye tracker and mas, but at the time I knew I will get a strap with integrated audio. Can’t say I’m not surprised it became open speakers design but I’m not against or for it, after all there is deluxe MAS or your own headphone if I decided not to like it. So there are options, the conflict is do you want to pay for it.

I personally do not feel pimax has to satisfy every spending capacity, especially there will be a free one.

Well I kept all the stretched goals, but it don’t look like I will be getting eye tracking for free, and now, not even on ear head phones.
If you went for the upgrade path to 8k+ or 8KX, then you got a discount for the eye tracking, I do not remember any one saying I will get a coupon for the eye tracking I will not be getting now.

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Good point. Someone maybe need clarify on this

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The Eyetracking coupon is for all backers unless you went for an upgrade trading it off for an extra $50 off. It was nice to see the Backer eyetracking cost drop from $199 said to be around cost on pimax day 1 (now consume price) be reduced to $99. Guess the Cost to manufacture decreased.

I also didn’t go for any of the Trade offs and kept my backed items unchanged.

The Fans have been said at last pimax post not compatible with Comfort Kit.

It’s not about testing audio quality (although I have my doubts).

It’s about

  1. being isolated from the environment
  2. my environment being isolated from me

An above ear solution is GUARANTEED to fail at both criteria.


So you basically lose out on this goal if don’t upgrade to 8kx 8k+ or don’t pay $99 extra… Hmm

That is exactly the plan.

When some hyped up the Off Ear Index Audio. Pimax should have conducted a survey through Kickstarter clearly identifying Audio types:

  • Off Ear BMR Index Style
  • Above Off Ear Custom (Driver Name spec)
  • On Ear (Driver Name)
  • Pimax 4k Over Ear

This would have been good market research to help determine best Path. As I know the overall Quality experience the p4k had. I would have voted for this option and as Pimax already has these wouldn’t require big changes to create the MAS mounting.


And I know it’s been said before in this thread, but there’s a huge gulf between the Index “hovering off your ear but pointing directly at it” and the Pimax “about two inches above your ear, in-line vertically” solution.