[ Poll ] What Pimax controllers is everyone purchasing

  • Dual joystick
  • Dual Trackpad
  • Trackpad Joystick Combo

0 voters

I prefer dual joystick but I wanted to see what everyone else likes for VR and if you dont mind posting why you like that style. Thanks!

Pics of controllers below


As for me, I prefer thumbstick version.


I choose combo … because thumbstick for movement and touchpad for ui selection.


Cool, so joystick for left hand or right hand?


Joystick for left hand for movement.


Great poll! Very keen to see the results of this as I’ve purchased controllers but there’s so much conjecture about which to use that it’s impossible to decide which combo to get.

I really despise the Vive track pad because Ive been playing Playstation since PS1. But I do like the trackpad for some UI interface. If I get the joystick for one controller and trackpad for the other controller, I just dont know if the UI will be on the correct controller per game.

are they available on some website?

I’m mostly interested in seated games, so I’m not sure I’m buying VR controllers, but if I do, I’ll probably get Valve’s which have both joysticks and trackpads on each. I have a Valve gamepad controller with both. I like it and it works pretty well.


If your poll is multiple choice with 2 full packages getting a set of each.

Choose last option as it’s the only one that fits.

Much prefer joysticks for everything.

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I pledged for dual trackpads first and later preordered a trackpad/thumbstick combo for spares.

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Isn’t this thing canceled?

No? This version of the controller is outdated (nobody wanted the giant ring around the controller).

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GDC from what is said will demo new prototype

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Is it GDC or GTC? I thought Pimax was doing the NVidia one (GTC)? I’m hoping the controllers have made the needed improvements, but I’ll hold my breath until I see people using them and enjoying them.

The Nvidia one… Lol too many pointless letter combos.

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I also chose combo but the other way trackpad for movment and tumbstick for ui :slight_smile:


During the Kickstarter days Pimax offered one or the other… trackpad or thumbstick… they didn’t offer a combo back then. So I ordered both sets.

Frustration Alert WARNING coming… (you’ve been warned)

Since I have received my Pimax units… EVERY SINGLE day I struggle trying to decide if I should buy a VIVE just to get the light boxes and controllers to use with my Pimax units. So far I have been able to resist the urge and financial cost by knowing that once Pimax sends me my controllers, the VIVE stuff will not be used. However, Pimax has the worst ETA of any technology company I have ever used. Each day I think, Q3 is right around the corner but then the flashbacks of every announced missed ETA by Pimax brings a cold shiver!

I wish Pimax would provide more info on the controllers but more importantly, give us REALISTIC ETA’s and not best case scenarios! That would really help people like me!!! Secretly… I suspect that I’ll end up with Valve knuckles before I receive my Pimax controllers… I hope I’m wrong.


I had the same premonition so I bought a used complete Vive set on Ebay, pulled out th LH’s and wands and sold the HMD w link box back on Ebay

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