Poll by dead pixels

New detailed poll here: https://community.openmr.ai/t/detailed-poll-dead-pixels-8k-5k/11960
Request for all those who voted: do it again here.

The situation with dead pixels is quite tense.
It would be helpful to understand the global nature of the problem for both users and Pimax.

This is very similar to the problem with dead pixels in the Pimax 4K.
A long time ago, a poll for dead pixels was created on the forum 4PDA in the topic Pimax 4K. According to statistics from 198 users, 40% have problems with dead pixels.

Therefore, I propose to vote to all owners of 5K + and 8K in a similar poll.
8K and 5K + will be separated for a more detailed understanding of the problem.

  • “5K +” I have dead pixels
  • “8K” I have dead pixels
  • No dead pixels

0 voters

Continuation of the survey for those who have this problem. It would be interesting to know the number of dead pixels.

  • 1-3 dead pixels
  • 3-10 dead pixels
  • more than 10 dead pixels

0 voters

@Heliosurge, @anon74848233 Unfortunately I did not find the tag “Poll” :roll_eyes:


I editted title & placed it with tag issues.

To have Tags added @anon74848233 can add where needed. Though until we have more backers in the forum results will not give us a clear picture.


Thank! Over time, statistics will accumulate and will be more or less clear.

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Would be nice to split this no-dead pixels vote in 2 : one for 5K+ with no-dead pixel, other for 8K with no-dead pixel.

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Yeah, the poll is a good idea. I’d like more granularity in the number of dead pixels poll, but the poll has begun. Polls can’t be changed, once people have responded.

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Created a more detailed poll: https://community.openmr.ai/t/detailed-poll-dead-pixels-8k-5k/11960/2
@Heliosurge, let’s close this topic because the poll did not manage to edit.
Request for all those who voted (@IrregularProgramming, @Mistafreeze, @Heliosurge, @oysta1109, @mr.uu, @NickDBaker, @SweViver, @tomohm ): do it again here: https://community.openmr.ai/t/detailed-poll-dead-pixels-8k-5k/11960

I’ll close this topic, as requested.