POLL: After owning your Pimax 5k+/8k/5kXR would you go back to your previous headset?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

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I love my 5k+ there’s no way I’d go back to my Vive.


Wouldn’t want to go back to my Vive, Rift or Odyssey. Already sold the Rift and Odyssey after getting the 5k+. The Vive only survived because I need the base stations and controllers.


I can’t remove the distortion and eye strain in the Pimax. I’ve gone back to rift.

I wonder if I will get one … maybe I’ll receive a new Valve HMD first


Used my Rift while waiting for my Pimax replacement, my experience was ‘oh touch controllers, how I’ve missed your light weight and comfortable design’, then was ‘urgh, I forgot how much it’s like looking through binoculars’.

I may be oddball here, but I find an increased field of view gives me less motion sickness, so going back to the Rift was rough on the stomach.


Won’t and can’t go back to the P4K, but I’ll try the HP Copper once it comes out and has decent reviews & price (lower FOV, higher PPI) .


You’d likely beplaying HL3 before Valve releases new headset. :smirk:


I have played a little on a friend´s odyssey this weekend and holy scubamask batman, no way.

SDE very evident, massive reduced FOV (claustrofobic feelings !) and lower resolution.


My ultra mega distortion vanished after shifting to 16mm vive pro foam from vrcover. Now there’s just a sliiight fishbowl-ish effect that I don’t notice while I’m playing. Just when I stop and look for it.
To test what might work for you, simply remove the face foam completely and hold the hmd with both hands and test different distances and angles from your face. Really turn your eyes as much as you can. Hopefully you’ll find your sweet spot and you can try to find a proper face foam for that distance. Maybe you’ll see a difference in eye strain too as a bonus.


Same. Eyestrain is the biggest issue.

I love my 5K+ but if I was showing a new person VR for example, I wouldn’t show them the Pimax I would show them the Vive because Pimax is way too finicky to get it right, even at optimum it doesn’t quite seem right.

If I had to go back to my Vive, it wouldn’t be a big deal for me. Pimax is better in some ways and worse in others, it’s a compromise either way.

I had low expectations for 5k+, but I am very positively surprised by it. Very happy and going back to older headsets is simply unimaginable to me. Selling older headset with absolutely no doubt, despite some expected “steps backwards”: OLED, colors, build quality. Nothing beats high FOV/high res in my book though. Also absolutely love PiTool, lightweight and tiny, just hope to see ASW analog working.


Only hanging on to Vive as a backup to the 8k. My wife, who has been a very sporadic user of my Vive, tried Assetto in the 8k yesterday and commented on how immersive it was. I hadn’t set her expectations at all, just put it on and let her race. Eventually I asked if she thought the experience was better or worse than the last time she was in the drivers seat and without hesitation she said ‘better’. She is very honest and generally unimpressed by tech, so a thumbs up from her is a big thumbs up from me!


No fricking way I used the foam padding from my 4K BE,not looked at it since it’s just curled up in the corner lamenting oVRer VR days of the past. :smiley:

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I haven’t touched my Vive since getting my 5k+ a over a month ago. My wife and I have since put 6 hours into BeatSaber, and 4 hours into SkyrimVR on the 5k+. I’ve spent about 5 hours with Elite Dangerous. I tried to play Elite Dangerous on my Vive a few times in the past but I couldn’t enjoy it. No problems with Elite in the 5k+ though.


I’ve gone back to the rift…mainly because of the distortion and can’t get the thing I to focus properly dispite trying ever possible remedy