Basically wondering if we can add base stations(controllers, hand motion units, etc) to our kickstarter order after the kickstarter has ended.
This is especially prevalent with the controllers as the prototype hasn’t been finalized yet giving me a bit of concern blindly throwing money at them until can get a hands on review of them.
Will this be possible so we can get these items alongside our HMD’s ?
Actually that would not be impossible. Kickstarter is the one collecting the credit card information for Pimax, once the Kickstarter period ends Kickstarter would no longer accept CC information.
Ya but more so saying possibly outside of kickstarter, I think alot of us are interested in the controllers or at very least getting 1 base station if we don’t already own one.
At least for the controllers myself I’d like to see a concrete here’s what they are before pledging for some.
Ok, but Pimax has already stated that after the Kickstarter has ended, all the controllers and add-ons will be available for purchase via their webpage. NON-kickerstarter pricing though.
That’s interesting, so what you’re saying is… you want all the benefits of Kickstarter pricing without the risks associated with what Kickstarter is actually all about. Good Luck with that!
After the campaign, you can buy these accessories through our official website. But the base station and the controller won’t be the price of kickstarter. You’ll need to pay more for it.
It is said in the FAQ just doesn’t say when, just like that we know that the Accessories will be available like that the 8k headset will eventually be available.
Question is really when will the accessories be made available, and will we be able to purchase them near when our HMD’s are ready to ship etc, or add them onto our HMD’s shipment after the fact.
Thanks for the reply, just wondering on a time line roughly when they’ll be available, far before the 8k headset is available commercially or around the same time?
I.E if I receive my headset in say February, can I order controllers around that date? or are you planning on selling the controllers are a much later date closer to commercial launch of the product?
Now that’s a really good question… but I seriously doubt you’ll be able to get an accurate answer to that question because…
Pimax has stated that they won’t go retail until they completed all their orders to their backers
Kickstarter probably isn’t the only “crowd funding” system they are using. Pimax is a Chinese company and you’ll notice in Kickstarter, not a single Chinese national purchased one. As I understand, China doesn’t allow Kickstarter for its people so at this point we have no idea how many Chinese citizens (and others) have pledge for the new units in addition to Kickstarter.
I’m sorta in the same boat as you… I pledged for the full 8K system. I’m not so concerned about the controllers not working, I’m concerned about Pimax delaying the shipping of my pledge if they don’t complete their controllers on time.
I’m more so in the boat of stretching my budget thin I can afford to pledge for a base station with the 8k X version, and with lack of confidence of the controllers still I’m hesitant to throw all my eggs in one basket.
@Matthew.Xu, I saw a comment on the Kickstarter page suggesting we can request a 10m cable instead of 5m during the survey after Kickstarter ends. Can you give a dollar amount extra that we should pledge now in order to make the request for 10m cable later?
Will the 8k X be able to use the 10m cable as well or will the will either headset have loss of signal integrity from that distance, or significantly (5+ms) increased latency from these extensions?
So at the end of the Kickstarter when we get the survey we can add more to our pledge to get some of these small features/additions?