Please send Kickstarter Backers their base stations?

I’ll probably just keep the Pimax basestation as a backup, for if/when my current one dies.

“IF” Pimax really send you those one day :roll_eyes:

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Which, in plain words translates that Pimax has not received enough backers plus “deposits” (how stupid to ask people to lay money down now with neither date nor final price made available) to initiate this order and will NOT until they have received enough…

Uh, uh, this together with the recent announcement of going open source leaves me with a strong feeling us backers may find ourselves deceived and never receive anything. Don’t get me wrong, going open source can be a good thing, when it comes to create people to contribute to the system, but not shifting primary responsibilities what smells to be the case, really.

At the current state with the 2nd face cushion, which apparently WAS ready not included in the shipment, such a simple thing as a perscription frame, which should have been designed in parallel with the product itself still somewhere in the mist, the additional 3 pieces of “additonal content” not even announced, along with the ongoing tips how to fit an DAS to the Pimax when the original headband should have come with the pledge, all of that leaves me with little hope we will see ever any other hardware soon.

I rather they are somewhat struggling and try to keep their product alive as long as they can to create momentum. I wish they succeed, but until further positive news they will have seen the last cent of me. Some weeks ago I actually was asking if they would accept my pledge for the lighthouse to be credited against a down payment for the controllers… well, in a Pimax way they didn’t respond. Boy, can I tell how happy I am now about that. Valve, welcome your new customer, Index controllers, here I come.


I understand your skepticism, but I have faith that it will arrive one day. I backed a Kickstarter, knowing full well what that could entail. I am very pleased with my 8K. It’s truly better than what I expected to get.

Of course, I’ll be much happier after I have the accessories, but I’m enjoying it nevertheless.

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The Kickstarter excuse has been taken too many times already.
Face cushion, prescription lens adapter and software could have been ready last year. I mean really there were so many delays, there was the beta phase, waiting for housing…


Right, but it’s not a excuse, so much as the reality: Kickstarters fail; they run into delays; they run into unexpected problems. I expected delays. I figured that there was only a 50-50 chance that I’d actually get a headset and that it would be any good. The delays have indeed gone far past anything that I was expecting, but the final product is pretty good, even without the accessories.

A large part of the delay was getting the lenses and anti-distortion software working. I’m sure Pimax could have shipped much earlier, but it would have been a sad, pitiful product. Personally, I’m glad they took the time (and expense) to make the product better.


Many of us KS backers are the definition of “enthusiast” and it is no surprise that (like myself and despite parts coming) we have gone to completing our experience by buying bases, DAS and foams.
The delays are in part unfortunate but should not be exacerbated by holding back bases until Sense is ready unless we are looking at 3 or 4 weeks apart.
Someone asked in a thread “where are all the WOW posts?”. I submit many are buried in the missing experience of proper tracking.
Pimax is backed by enthusiasts. The best free advertising they can get is to keep them enthusiastic.