Please send Kickstarter Backers their base stations?

I can understand very well that you finally want these boxes. Especially for those backers, who have so far only the VR, which is now an impertinence. In your place, I would simply order the Lighthouse 2 boxes from Steam and you have the certainty to get them delivered in July!

Like 65.000 ? This is the number I have seen flying around.

This sounds completely insane number. If that number is true I don’t see how you could argue there in no bad intentions when it so much prevents the supplyer’s competitors to make HMDs offers based on the same tracking tech that this supplyer is using for his own just released HMD…

Now if that is the real number then how would it change anything significant for Pimax to wait the sword (and not Sword sense ! this is important to note !) is ready ?

Waiting for the Sword (not “sense”) controller will not make a several tens thousands difference of LHs (from the supposedly 65K min req batch) that wouldn’t have to sit in Pimax warehouses for months until those are sold with future controllers orders…

I mean whatever this min order for the LHs Pimax WILL have to place this order one day if they want to be able to sell controllers bundles (and deliver LHs from pledges paid 1.5 year ago…). And wait for basic Sword controllers or not, a large quantity of LHs WILL have to sit into Pimax warehouses for months.

Waiting for the non-sense Sword version of the controller to start ship LHs from pledges will change what ? Just a few thousands (on a 65K total !) LHs less that would have to sit into Pimax warehouses for months anyway ?

Really the excuse you take for not placing this min LH order NOW and start shipping LHs ASAP to fulfill pledges doesn’t stand, PimaxUSA. Or you are explaining this very bad and/or are not giving enough information to make it very clear.

Do you think “that many backers/pre-orders/orders” will want to buy this basic Sword controller when this is a significant downgrade from the initially planned design (Sword sense) ??

And also what about backers who have paid for Sword SENSE in their KS pledge. Those backers will not accept to have this higher end promised version replaced with the basic last-minute non-sense version…

This excuse the wait for the Sword (basic version) would really change something to the LHs high Min order situation is a nonsense.

I really fear the price for this first bundle with non-Sense Sword + LHs will be not competitive at all (despite you are going to try to make it look more competitive than it really is by arguing with the $100 coupon). And then what about the Sword sense + LH bundle that will have an even less competitive pricing.

Why do I have this feeling ? Because it sounds like the real reason behind the LHs delay to wait for controllers is because Pimax will want to cover the loss for this huge Min req for LH supply with the pricing of those controllers bundle. This would explain why those pricing are still unknown and why you have asked for this $300 deposit for controllers bundles pre-orders.

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This is not possible as this would not work for the HMDs (for 6DOF).

This should have been done from the begining, using an IR sensor tracking system similar to oculus CV1. Then Pimax would not have been dependant of valve for LHs, with all the consequences we see now. Because IR sensor is much less complex and Pimax could have been manufacturing the sensors themselves.

Not sure why a tracking module would be a problem. It would track your surroundings and the controllers if they had LED emitters giving you full 6dof.

And pay them 2x the price paid in the KS ? And then you would need to fight with pimax to get those from the KS pledge refunded ? (which they won’t accept, so you just lose this money and in the end you would have paid your v2 LHs 3x the KS price, and 1.5x valve price that is already overpriced).

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So you think about an IR led module that would be added onto the HMDs ? That would be so poor solution, thinking IR leds should have been well integrated into the HMD housing in the first place (where we now have LH sensors, that would just then become useless if an external IR module was added).

Or are you thinking about an inside-out tracking module with cameras (like WMR and recent oculus HMDs) ? With then no external sensors anymore, and also all the issues from not-tracked controllers when they are located outside of the FOV of the HMD tracking system module ?

I really hope this is not Pimax hidden plan behind delaying v2 LHs again and again and again (= v2 LHs would never become a reality and would just be replaced by an inside-out tracking module).

If they were doing that I would lose absolutely all the remaining faith I have in Pimax.

Yes a camera based module that sits under the headset itself looking out. It could come with 4 cameras two looking forward and two on the sides.

Pimax already hinted this at CES2019.

This is a large FOV HMD aiming at the most VR enthusiasts and you think people would agree to switch from high quality v2 LH tracking to a subpar inside-out tracking that is even not integrated into the housing but sticked to the HMD as a module ?

And then this whole communication about LHs back in March would just be a huge lie to make people wait until they can announce this inside-out tracking module ?

No way the community would stay with Pimax if they were doing that. I’m sure most of the remaining believers would then just leave for good and never want to hear about Pimax a single time during the rest of their time on Earth…


@PimaxUSA Why does it boil down to syncing with the controllers? Is it to give Pimax more time to accrue more lighthouse preorders and mitigate temporary losses instead of just ordering the lighthouses now and having them sit around?

Or is there another reason I missed, i.e. modification to the lighthouse for use with the controller?

I can understand if the MOQ is really high Pimax doesn’t want to buy a ton and sit on them. If that’s the reason, yeah it sucks for backers/preorders but I get it, that would be a huge financial endeavor to satisfy what 1000 people?

I think the order has been placed, but not yet delivered or in-hand. The expected in-hand date is apparently close enough to the in-hand date of the Sense controllers, so they’re going to ship them together.

They want to ship them all together to save on shipping cost.
But its also could be that they cost money, and pimax wants to push out anything that costs them money as far as possible.

No Face foams,
No prescription inserts
No audio Strap
No 3 pieces of content
No Fan
No Eye tracking
No Base stations
No Controllers.
Is that everything?


@PimaxUSA and the real question is… when are they sent?

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no way he’ll commit to a solid date.

“to push back” would be a clearer term.

That’s all I’m looking for, a clear answer. I may have missed it but I don’t believe we ever received one. If there has been it should be pinned and backers/preorders notified. I’m not going to jump down their throats if they’re honest, but I’m sure a lot of people will. It sucks but whatever.

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Logic 101
LHs will ship with nonsense controllers.
We’re not shipping nonsense controllers to you.

And how exactly are you gageing whether they are being honest with you at any given time?

I’m a set of open ears right now, I can’t prove anything. If Pimax tells us it’s to save on shipping costs, which would upset the most people, I can’t see that being a lie, it would benefit them in no way except by being honest. I’d appreciate it but I’m probably in the minority.

I just don’t get what’s going on. I’ve read everything, or re-read as I’ve followed this kickstarter fairly closely with some gaps. LH’s should have shipped by now but we’re being told it “boils down to syncing with the controllers”. With the Sword controllers, which will be months ahead of the Sense controllers? I can see Pimax syncing LH’s with the Swords and offering backers the Swords with an attached coupon. This would benefit them the most as quite a few people will say “screw it” and go that route so they have the room scale setup they’ve been waiting for. Then if they don’t use the coupon Pimax comes out ahead. If Pimax allowed the coupon to be added to the potential $200 in coupons some backers may have towards wireless it would benefit backers with an additional coupon AND by at least putting their savings towards wireless. Our am I totally confused and the Sword controllers will be ready first but no LH’s until the Sense controllers are ready which will be what, 3 months later?

I don’t want to come across as saying any of these are true. I’m not frustrated, not yet anyways, but I don’t know what’s what. No one does and it IS hurting Pimax’s credibility big time. I see this everyday here, on Reddit, and occasionally on VR news reporting sites. I say this “out of love” because having another VR option is good but Pimax should be more clear with backers and preorders for the sake of their image. Also they probably don’t want to deal with a bunch of credit card charge backs when preorders find out they’ll need to wait way longer.


There’s no reason I should have to wait. I only ordered a base-station, no controllers. At this point, I’d prefer to cancel my base-station, since I bought a version 1 from Amazon. I’ve resigned myself to “Pimax time”, where time estimates are overly realistic and communication is minimal.

Honestly, I’m enjoying my 8K, even without the much-needed accessories. It’s great in Elite Dangerous and it’s also great in Hellblade VR (now that I’ve finally got the game working).


I wouldn’t mind a refund for my base station to be honest. I’ve already been forced to shell out over 200 AUD for a ViVE version 1 base station to help with tracking while using my motion platform. So I’ve already got the core of what I paid for, which of course the stretch goals should be a part of but they aren’t integral to my experience. The headset was already 18 months from funding to delivery, will base stations be 2 years, or more? I got a great deal on a base station with Pimax but it’s ended up costing me twice that and now the hassle of selling one once it arrives.

Super annoying as someone that, like many others, is not waiting for controllers at all.