Please Pimax allow users to adjust the (brightness and contrast)

…BRIGHTNESS AND CONTRAST in this headset! I cannot stress how important this is!!!

I am really shocked no one else is asking or suggesting Pimax give us the option to adjust the brightness and contrast in the headset. If they are using LCD screens, why can’t they add two simple buttons or knobs on the unit for brightness and contrast? If this is simply not practical, then how about allowing our graphic cards, whether it be AMD or Nvidia, to adjust the brightness or contrast via their respective control panels? Ideally both options should be available should it not?

I’m an Oculus Rift owner and my biggest pet peeve with the unit is the fact that we’re stuck with a fixed setting on both the brightness and contrast. Some games are simply not bright enough for me and some are a bit too bright! I’m also a sucker for an image with high contrast. I love blacks to look inky black, and look colors to pop out at me, both of which are only accomplished with a high contrast level.

It’s a bit difficult when you go from watching an image on a good quality monitor with adjustable brightness and contrast controls, to a VR unit that forces you to accept whatever the company thinks is an adequate level for those two parameters.

If there are already plans to incorporate brightness and contrast controls into the Pimax then disregard this post, otherwise this is something I’m hoping the devs of the unit will read and take into consideration!


The 4k does have Brightness control. I know the vive added brightness control. I am surprised Oculus doesn’t have it. But yes folks have asked for more display properties.

The 8k is likely to have Brightness control for sure. But this would be in piplay settings.


in 90% of games we have gamma slider , in steam vr app you have also night time filter, so i dont think so that this feature is so important , not at the cost of additional delivery delay…


Personal / standards calibration profiles are required on almost every display so totally agree with this. Every display (TV, monitor and projector) I own is calibrated and VR display should be no different as factory settings are always way off. Also some people prefer brighter or darker display due to their own preference.

Problem is many people are just ignorant of the fact that a calibrated display is superior to an un-calibrated one straight out out of the factory.


if you switch direct mode off with the vive the headset displays in nvidia control manager and you can adjust the brightness , when switching direct mode back it retains the screen adjustments


can you past printscreen - how to do this?!

I used this to darken my og vive a bit after the gear lens mod


I asked about Brightness a long time ago and Pimax said that they intended to have a control in their software to allow the user to adjust it. There was no mention of Contrast and I didn’t ask about it.

Considering that the headset hardware is basically done (except for tweaks based on beta tester feedback), it is likely to be too late in the development cycle for Pimax to make drastic changes, like adding buttons.

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Indeed software panel is best for functions only used once in awhile.

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I use the Pimax 4k in DCS, and this is its largest flaw. Looking trough the HUD at a surface in shadow is difficult. You can of course change the Gamma, but then things become washed out in sunlight.

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I’m not sure brightness/contrast settings would help that situation much. Those settings work similarly to gamma. Is there an in-game HUD brightness control (might be a HUD day/night switch)?

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Brightness control by software is already requested by the testers.


And also won’t help with low brightness anyway.

Gamma when used badly crushes shadow detail which is why you need more control other than just brightness

All they have to do is allow Colour level adjust, Brightness, Contrast / Sharpness in software, they already tweak this themselves, they just have to expose it to the outside world which should be trivial. People will then be able to improve the displays from factory defaults using in-headset calibration images.

After that some bright spark will create a VR colour meter to get you that extra 5% accuracy for the colour enthusiasts out there who just want to watch film as intended by the director.


Not a bad idea. Perhaps setup like a lot of TVs do & have default profiles & 1 Custom or 2.

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I approve this message :slight_smile:

It seems that this is one of the weak points currently of pimax, i hope the brightness control by software and will be available if all testers requested :wink: .

But if it is already at level 10 and still dim as has been hinted at, I am guessing a Spinal Tap knob that goes to 11 will not be possible.:wink:

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I don’t recall anyone saying it was “too dim” or “not bright enough”, since the addition of more LEDs in the V5.

Yes, some people have said it “wasn’t as bright as the Vive”, but that it was “as bright as a Rift”. I’ve also read that some people have said that the Vive “was too bright” and that they had to reduce the brightness. Just because it doesn’t sear your eyeballs, doesn’t mean that it’s too dim.

I for one, will reserve judgement, until I can see it for myself.

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I would have to re-find what was stated but I took it as it was a bit dimmer than expected. But then again, ‘expected’ is all relative to the expectations one creates. I am gonna wait till I see for myself as well.

But the idea of more picture control is one I support. Always better if one can tweak to personal pref vs unable to tweak.