Please offer Pimax 8k without controllers as well :)

Hello Pimax Team :slight_smile:

I own the Pimax 4k for four weeks now, and I am absolutely glad with it. Since I play only cockpit simulations such as Elite Dangerous or Project Cars and some RPG’s such as Witcher or Skyrim on my PC, the Pimax 4k simply is the greatest VR experience I made so far: It has no SDE at all, the image is crystal clear, and last but not least, I do not feel any motion sickness at all (as I did severely with two googles from one well known competitor).

Therefore I am looking forward the new Pimax 8k model impatiently.

As mentioned, I do play only cockpit simulations and some RPG’s with it, and even if I would like to play roomscale one time, I simply don’t have the room and space for it - no chance at all in my small gaming corner.

Could you please consider whether to offer the new Pimax 8k in two versions:

  • One cheaper version with the googles only, without the whole controller equipment for those who wouldn’t need and wouldn’t be able to use them anyway ?
  • And one complete version with the controllers for everybody else that is able and wants to use them?

This would really be great. Together with implementing DisplayPort connection, I would buy the Pimax 8k right now and would really like to participate in the kickstarter project.

That “no-SDE-crystal-clear-no-motion-sickness-VR-experience” is just so amazing - can’t stop cheering and jumping for joy :grin:

BTW: How do you manage to know who owns the 4k already in order to get the discount codes for the 8k?



@elin77 Hi, much appreciate for your concern and attention.

I think your suggestion is very reasonable and feasible.

I could gather statistic data of Pimax 4K users who are interested in Pimax 8K and then transfer to our department of brand promotion. Once kickstarter started, all these users would be informed at the first time.


Completely agree with this only to be sure Pimax 8K with directional 6DoF tracking…
I’m definitely interested in Pimax 8K or even Pimax 4K with Display Port connection and positional tracking.

I don’t own Pimax yet but for now is my favorite because picture quality. Only thing which stil hold me from buying is is problems with DCS World and ArmA and I spend 90% of my time playing this games and they will be only reason to purchase VR.


I also agree with the above comments as I mainly play simulator games like Elite Dangerous (look fantastic).

However I would like to make a suggestion for Pimax.

I (and I’m sure others as well), would buy another Pimax 4K if a model was released with a proper mechanical focus system.

Since I am far sighted I cannot get a good focus without using a second pair of lenses on top of the Pimax lenses, even with my glasses on.

All the other issues are secondary for me.
The focus issue is the one thing that makes my VR experience less than it could be.

Please Pimax consider releasing an uograded Pimax 4K.


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Good Morning Pimax,
i have been saving up money for PC and VR headset for too long now. i will be there for the kickstarter too order one pimax 8k with controllers. i live in india, please allow worldwide shipping from kickstarter. and can you tell us when you are planning to launch kickstarter? around which month it might release on kickstarter… and how is the work going for pimax 8k…?
Thanks for all your work Pimax!


You do realise that the Pimax 8K headet will only cost around 500$ which is about the same as the Pimax 4k, so making two different versions one with and one without is just unnecessary

Hi h3rtz,

I am not so sure about this:
Considering the pre-order announcement at, the Pimax 8k with controllers would cost about 723 €, which is more than the double of the 4k-version (339 €).

Don’t misunderstand: I think it’s generally ok if the 8k is a bit more expensive than the 4k since it offers more resolution and more FOV.

But I don’t want to pay an 100-150 € extra (included in the 723) for the controller equipment I can’t and don’t want to use.

So, something between 500-600 € would be acceptable from my point of view for a version without controllers.
(Of course, I don’t mind if it gets cheaper than that :wink: )

But even if it costs only 500 € in the end, with controllers - I simply have no need for the controllers since I have no space for roomscale. They would stay in the box… so why wasting an additional 100 € I could spend better for buying a couple of VR (cockpit simulation) games otherwise…?

That’s why I asked :slight_smile:


Same here as well. :wink:

Dear, appreciate your concern. It would be launched soon, please pay attention to our Forum banner or website(

Hi…i am a new user here. As per my knowledge The Pimax 8K is wide. It’s much wider than any other VR headset on the market today and is reminiscent of the Star VR headset that has moved quietly underground for some time now. The outer limits of the headsets horizontal plane extend a few inches past your head on either side and the overall visor curves in at an angle towards a central point. This makes the entire unit much more curved than either the Rift,Vive, or PSVR. The emphasis here is clearly on prioritizing that big FOV over a sleek or overtly comfortable design.

pcb prototyping

I own a pimax 4k and love it. It’s quality is top notch and I couldn’t be happier. I 100% agree with the above posts, I am interested in the pimax 8k for the increased FOV only, for cockpit sim’s and smilar. I have no need/desire for the controllers or motion tracking, just increased FOV. Becuase of that, buying a $700+ device when I’ve only recently bought a $400 device just for added FOV would count me out.

I would also love to be able to buy a Pimax 8k without controllers as I’m in a similar situation as OP (i.e not having enough space etc.).

And i wan t is weel without controllers! it s will nice!

When will Pimax 8K be available?
I broke the Pimax 4K, and I’m waiting for 8K.
I hope the matrix there will be different from Pimax 4k for the better: it will not have ghosting, there will be no blackout filters, and it is desirable to support the 90Hz frequency in the lowered resolution.
And the wireless module must be plugged in there, so that at least the video can be watched over Wi-FI, and it will be very good.
Although I would like to know the approximate price.

Pimax has not indicated what screens they will utilize in their 8K version but it would be an absolute tragedy if it’s the current LCD’s in the Pimax 4K.


No 90hz, not even close.
Ghosting still present, maybe slightly reduced.
Washed out colors present
Wireless, doubt it.
Hopefully the blue light filters are removed/not needed.
Positional Tracking (Currently this has never been shown to actually even work yet).

Yes, I agree, this will be the most important disadvantage in Pimax 8K, if there will be the same screens as on 4K-versions . I hope that all the same will be used by other screens.

Positional tracking - I would very much like it to be.
Otherwise, for such money, as with competitors Oculus and Vive, it will be questionable.