Please help me about the brightness and the colors in my Pimax 4k

i bought the pimax 4k and didnt’ work well with my laptop , however i bought new pc 16 ram , intel 3.6 i7 7700 cpu , and radeon RX 580 Series ,

it works well now but the brightness and colors are very poor , can you imagine that the video i’m watching on my samsung gear 3 is better than pimax ?

is there any option that i didn’t use it to get better video quality and brightness ??

or the problem from the Vr headset its self ?

could you please help me with this ??


The poor brigthness and colours are caused by the shutter glass that Pimax implemented. They did this to decrease ghosting and it’s quite effective at that. Some people, including me, have removed the shutter glass. Colours and brightness went up a lot but you do get more ghosting in return. Quite a few people in the end prefer to use it with shutter glass because of that, but the choice is personal.

If you’re interested, here’s the thread:

Also in the first post you find debug codes. With these codes you can turn up the brightness. You need to enter them into the debug tool. I’d try that first anyway, if you haven’t done that already. It surely helps a bit.


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thanks for that buddy >>

actually i did it now and the quality for the brightness and colors turn 360 degree which is now perfect

it was hard a bit to remove the filter but it works .

i suggest everyone does that .

it works 100 %

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