Please disregard

Never mind, sorry…

Sorry for my bluntness and prying, but that really has me interested in the sudden change of heart. No longer selling, or you found a buyer elsewhere? Maybe we could speculate the reasons why Doc?

Were you banking on StarVR One being a consumer product alongside a consumer price tag? Or you have seen some info which suggests hanging on to it now is wise? Maybe you just decided to keep it. Please let us know.


Exactly what I was about to say lol

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If there was a viable alternative to Pimax like StarVR might’ve been I’d switch in a heartbeat. Totally fed up with being strung along, still no idea if its worth the price. Development has taken so long it would be more weird for there not to be superior competition by xmas since obviously it’s no great feat for a competent company to design and produce HMDs that are advanced even beyond Pimax’s initial proposal. To be honest if there isn’t actual news soon I’ll just sell anyway because it’s beyond silly now, we’re almost certainly chasing a wild goose in continuing to hope for an agreeable return on our investment.


I’d really like it as you have a low backer number, so are you saying you will sell it in some weeks if no news? in that case I may just have to buy someone elses with a high backer number, would prefer your place though.

[quote=“DoctorRobert, post:4, topic:7548, full:true”]Development has taken so long it would be more weird for there not to be superior competition by xmas since obviously it’s no great feat for a competent company to design and produce HMDs that are advanced even beyond Pimax’s initial proposal.

To be honest if there isn’t actual news soon I’ll just sell anyway because it’s beyond silly now, we’re almost certainly chasing a wild goose in continuing to hope for an agreeable return on our investment.[/quote]
If there were any companies with a competing (wide FOV) headset, we would have heard of it by now, since they would be taking orders now, so that the headsets could be delivered by November and sold during the weeks before Christmas. I think you underestimate the challenges of bringing a cutting-edge product to market.

I’m not sure why you think it’s a wild goose chase. Pimax is continuing to get closer to release. My biggest fear was that they would ship a piece of junk, but they seem to be trying to make a good headset.

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The other headset manufacturers will be watching closely what happens with the launch of Pimax 8K, both the performance and the price point. We are likely to see a number of announcements in Q1/Q2 2019 for consumer grade wide FOV headsets. To be fair to @DoctorRobert , I’m not saying Pimax has bitten off more than they can chew, but they they have consistently downplayed the challenges with bringing 8K to market.


I think two things happened.

  1. They didn’t anticipate a lot of challenges.
  2. They likely have raised their internal bar and might have had a lesser product ready, but are aiming to meet the communities expectation.

[quote=“aesopfabled, post:8, topic:7548, full:true”]I think two things happened.

  1. They didn’t anticipate a lot of challenges.
  2. They likely have raised their internal bar and might have had a lesser product ready, but are aiming to meet the communities expectation.[/quote]
    I agree, 100%. I think they didn’t fully understand how difficult the lens design would be. I also think that given the success of the Kickstarter (and the additional $15m investment) that they (wisely) decided that they could make a truly good headset.

Time will tell, if the headset is high quality. Unlike the vocal minority, I’m willing to wait, as long as the result is worth it.


Yeah. It’s honestly a tough choice to make, waiting isn’t easy.

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Very true. But I’m also waiting for the nVidia RTX 2080Ti, so I must be patient regardless. Neither the Pimax 8K nor the 2080Ti will truly shine without the other. Together, I’m hoping for a wonderous experience.

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Nope, forget it, sorry