Please add with the pimax 8kx also a thin face pad in the package!(for the comfort kit)

Please add with the pimax 8kx also a thin face pad for the comfort kit in the package!
Its needed for alot off people to get a better experience…

@PimaxVR @PimaxQuorra


Yes… :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

That would save them from so much bad publicity. Maybe even three thicknesses.

Maybe also include a small piece of paper instructing the user to (measure and) set IPD and then choose the foam that results in the best picture.

It can’t cost a lot of $$.


Yes I agree with both DrWilken and john2910.

I’m affected by this, the normal CK is too thick. It is not trivial, there is some bright refraction issue on the outer part of the lenses if your pupils are too far from the lenses due to the CK. I need a thinner padding as well.

I will review the 8KX as one of the or the first in the IL-2 Simulator community as far as I am aware of, I have a sticky thread here: VR tips and tricks - Improving your VR experience! -Updated 9th/Dec/2020 - Virtual Reality and VR Controllers - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum and am very active on the forums. I don’t want have to mention that issue by then.

It’s a premium flagship device, we pay a lot of money for it, it should be a well rounded experience. The 8KX lacks an eye-relief, so it should have this at least.

P.S. As a bonus, this can also kill distortions. Distance is one of the factors to them as well. @PimaxUSA Kevin, what do you think about this? Would you mind helping this and push the message to them a bit please?


It’s likely I’ll need a thinner pad also. Right now, my eyelashes almost touch the lenses in my 8K and I have no problems with distortion. I guess if worse comes to worst, I’ll rip the face bracket off my 8K and move it to my 8KX, but I shouldn’t have to resort to something like that!


I realy hope they follow our advice…


I hope they also provide @mixedrealityTV with several foams, so he will tell us if it improves things distorsion-wise for him.

Edit : if tooling production for several thickness will delay 8kX launch, they could at least provide us with an additional face cushion. So it will be handy to replace the first one once it is full of sweat, or good if we want to test the DIY route (cutting foam in half from the slice and/or glueing them together).


Yes. Definitely provide reviewers with options too… :+1:


Yes, please, Pimax.

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I bet this won’t happen…

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Problem is its a Comfort Kit, if they make it thin its not Comfort Kit then its something else.

I think that face cushions of different thickness should be included as a standard with the comfort kit. People have different faces and therefore different requirements to obtain the correct distance between the hmd and their eyes. Should be easy to do and would be very welcomed by the customers.


some people are saying they prefer the “uncomfortable kit”

Just had an idea… :bulb:

Why not just include a thin foam piece and then a few extension pieces which will work like people using double-sided velcro, but a bit thicker (and made by foam)?

Then people could use either the thin face pad alone or add an extension piece until they find the sweet spot?

It could come with equally thick pieces so You just add one, two or three or it could come with extension pieces of different thicknesses so You just find the one that works for You (if You need more space at all)?

If Pimax doesn’t do this it should be fairly easy to cut something like a workout/sleeping mat in the same pattern as the foam piece on the comfort kit and attach “male” velcro on one side and “female” on the other.


Good idea, I just want them to clearly state what’s included on this May day thing.

They’ve said nothing more about it since showing off options at CES, despite repeated questions from myself and others.

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That’s a great idea :+1:
Well if they won’t make this option, let’s make these our selves and make them available for low price for other enthusiast’s if possible :grinning:
Wadda’ ya say Danish Pimax CoOp project ? @DrWilken


Definitely need thinner foam, the standard foam is way too thick for me, causing a lot of extra distortion

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Yeah, I guess someone has to do it… :grin:


Pimax should really reach out to VRCover to persuade them to make kits for the comfort kit and also just Pimax headsets in general. They are pretty much the only aftermarket foam manufacturer in the game right now and Pimax are the only major headset they dont have a kit for. The Index and Quest got foam replacements almost immediately after their respective launches but still to this day nothing for Pimax.

I doubt Pimax will include multiple sized foam replacements in their kits so having an aftermarket vendor atleast gives us an option for a somewhat professional replacement.

Thats completely subjective. I’ve had 6mm foam put on all of my headsets and dont find it uncomfortable at all. The comfort kit has even more surface area then just regular foam as well so it would be plenty comfortable.


Very good idea. Similar to my 5k facepad mod for distortions. Overall Pimax should recive much more postive reviews if that extra velcro layers will be in pimax box with manual how to elimated distortions.
@PimaxUSA please consider…


“Pima Xcessories ApS” :stuck_out_tongue: