Hi ! FFR is working well on Rfactor 2. I use the agressive setting with my pimax 5k+ With SS 1.0, AA x1, and it’s barely noticeable.
I think it would be interesting to have something like twice as hard. It would start to be noticeable, but it could save frame rate.
I am now testing the 144Hz firmware, but 144fps are hard to reach
Wow. Personally, I find that FFR on Conservative is highly visible to me (in Elite D). I like the framerate improvement a lot, but it’s really distracting, the way stuff shimmers at the edges of your vision. I guess it might depend on the types of games you play.
Also, I do prefer FFR over Smart Smoothing, which has a weird warping effect sometimes. Since the artifacts aren’t constant, SS has a tendency to suddenly break my feeling of immersion.
Is there a way for me to add a small fps counter through steamvr to be visible inside hmd like on a monitor? If not can pimax add feature like that please.
I would like FFR for my 1080Ti. I know that this is an exclusive feature of the newest generation, but strangely enough the game “contractors” for example managed to offer FFR for my graphics card.