PiTool, SteamVR, Application Resolution, spreadsheets. Project extendedInterface

You what now?

Has this been known to be true? If I understand it correctly, that would mean 1.0 is actually subsampling; is that the case?

Also, thank you for putting this much effort into your Pimax findings and documentation, I really appreciate it.

Do we have a definitive answer if there is a performance/quality difference between say PiTool 1.25 and Steam 100% vs PiTool 1.0 and Steam 125%? Can that statement be made generally, regardless of the engine used?


At least that sharp. I still need to do more testing on ED to push its limits. Others have reported the Pimax 8kX is noticeably sharper than the Reverb, though this varies from user to user (presumably due to IPD and similar optical issues), and unfortunately I have not had the chance to try a Reverb myself.

Yes. There is a definite quality difference between ‘PiTool 1.25 and Steam 100% vs PiTool 1.0 and Steam 125%’. I am not sure that was the most diagnostic data point, but I was definitely skeptical myself that there was an actual blur filter and made numerous comparisons to confirm it.


Thats Awesome news It was a joy to have that kind of Sharpness, it brings a whole new life into the game. For now I have more immersion with the 8k+ because everything looks more solid less Screendoor, the only thing i miss is monitor like sharpness, i’m really looking forward to the X :slight_smile:


There is a difference probably because the PiTool factor is applied to the rendered resolution dimensions, while the SteamVR supersampling is applied to the pixel count. So PiTool at 1.25 is equivalent to 1.56 (1.25^2) supersampling is SteamVR.


Ah, it seems you have also worked out the formula for rendered pixels resultant from PiTool and SteamVR settings.

However, my tests regarding this blur filter include scenarios where the vertical pixel count is identical. So not 1.25/1.00 PiTool vs 1.00/1.25 SteamVR, various things resulting in 2700 vertical pixels. And there is a visible effect which is not like simple changes in super sampling, but actual blurring of pixels together, which is hard to explain by anything other than a built-in filter in SteamVR.

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We’ve previously been told it was the other way as PiTool Quality “does a lot of other things than just supersampling” (AFAIR - @PimaxUSA?) , so maybe it’s the other way round?


I do know that higher PiTool render quality settings lead to an improvement in visual quality, for the same number of pixels rendered. However, I do not believe this is because PiTool is doing anything special. Visually, it looks like the final image SteamVR gets is intentionally blurred by 1-1.5px. Not much, just enough to take away some of the sharpness, and to be fair, it does prevent RGB stripe rainbow effects with older headsets.

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