Pitool and Tundra Tracker SteamVR Breakout

Pitool and Tundra Tracker SteamVR Breakout

Has pimax solved the issue where the tundra trackers cannot be individually assigned within steamvr? This is quite a humongous issue in the majority of titles within steam. games like vrchat are not effected but try anything else and you cannot. I was told on the tundra forums that pimax is aware of the issue, and that a new software version is available that fixes this. Is there any updates on this? This has been an issue since day one.

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unfortunately no new pitool has been released yet.

They are likely working on it. But from my understanding the next pitool release has some big changes. Hopefully pimax can adopt a more rolling release style model with patch updates.

@PimaxQuorra @PimaxUSA @hammerhead_gal
can you check with the team on an update regarding the Tundra Labs Tracker assignment issues?

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It doesnt effect me too badly because i mainly play vrchat, but when i put my hands ontop of my head I do a 360 spin and it makes me pretty dizzy. I think it’s doing that because steam only sees everything as a single device. I think?

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You’re right Dan.
We have been working on a new Pitool version where this Tundra issue will be addressed.

I’ll follow the progress and hopefully it can be release asap.

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any news when a beta will be released?

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Please update to latest 277V Pitool, the Tundra pairing issue has been addressed.

If you’ve further question, please let us know.


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