PiTool_1.0.1.90 installer file + Custom Location Instructions

Update: I found the original Pimax installer location hosted by Pimax if you prefer to download it from them: http://piplay-us.pimaxvr.com/PiToolSetup__90.exe

Old Info

Onedrive: PiTool_1.0.1.90
Link is back after uploading to my onedrive for 3 hours :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Guys,

So I found the installer file for Pitool and thought I’d upload it as Pimax haven’t.
But I also have found a way with the help of another mate from r/pimax (Seishi) to install to custom locations despite pimax refusing to give us the option.
It might get a bit technical so please let me know if you need assistance.

  1. Download this template .reg file OneDrive: .Reg File
  2. Uninstall your currently installed PiTool.
  3. Edit the reg replacing everywhere it currently says: C:\\Program Files with your preferred location. i.e D:\\Programs.
    It should now look like this:
  4. Save and run the .reg file.
  5. Run PiTool .90 installer.
  6. Done!

Comment down below if you have issues =]
P.S the linked pitool installer I took from the temp download during its own update. You can do the same if you’d prefer not to download my version. It downloads to: C:\Users-–\AppData\Local\PiTool\pihelp.90.exe


Yes I saved the .90 temp also, just in case, I am surprised they didnt release it to direct DL.

Very good one to install a custom location :+1: as long it doesnt cause troubles :confused:


I don’t have a pimax to test. But this is exact same as installing to C. Only, it defaults to the ‘already existing’ location.

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Download is broken btw


WUT. That’s really annoying. Took me like an hour.
Can someone assist to provide a better link? As my upload is terrible.

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Thanks man. !