Pitool Beta Test Release for Brainwarp 1.0

Definately agree they’ll need to make presets for games, but IMO it should also he possible to tweak these settings yourself and make custom profiles. Optimal visuals are perceived different from individual to individual, hence there are no golden preset that will satisfy all.


Amazing update !

The 8k and 5k+ are like an artifact from the future. Every new software iteration we release a little more of their power !

Keep up the good work Pimax !


Hey @aesopfabled didn’t I see you in Beat Saber Modding Group Discord Channel? LOL


Pre-ordered 5K+ :+1:. Not using it much though, as I need controllers and BS…


I am in the same boat. But still play a fair bit while awaiting the full monty python. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


I caved… found a deal on VIVE lighthouses and controllers that was too good to pass up. Installed them last night. Never had VIVE equipment before and had no idea how to hook them up. It was complete plug and play… Pimax found them right away. Played a few games I couldn’t before with Pimax and had a blast! I also swapped between the 8K and 5K+ and had NO problems. Looking forward to installing this update and trying things out later this afternoon.


Does the IPD adjustment feature allow one to make the ipd smaller than the normal minimum - say, 57? If so, this feature just totally removed any temptation I had to cancel my order!

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Maxed out contrast and reduced brightness slightly, what a difference.


Just get the Elite Dangerous: Horizons - Season Pass, the deluxe pack just has some extra paint jobs for the ships.

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Congratulations Pimax, you developped the best consumer HMD now!! Played the old Dirt 2 and Ghost Recon Wildlands in 3D on virtual desktop and it was a great joy :))


Not able to check for my self as I am away for work, but if someone who has been struggling with the eye strain issue and tried the beta would comment on the new ipd offset function, that would be great. Read on Reddit that at least one person said the offset improved eye strain substantially, though not completely.


Awesome thanks for the tip!

Which headset did you receive? Backer or pre order?

Which headset? & are you a pre order or backer?

I can confirm that X-Plane does not render anything to the HMD in that version.

@Sean.Huang Please check this (you can get the free download from X-Plane).

[edit] I have 1080ti


That is from the elite store, on Steam go for the Deluxe pack, Just make sure it has the Horizons Season Pass or you cant land on planets.


Can someone be kind enough to post a comparison screen shot of the effect of the contrast slider vs default?

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@snagar have you checked Xplane with FFR off ?

Nolo ceiling mode doesn’t work anymore? OpenVR-InputEmulator key binding appears to be broken too.

Openvr input emulator was broken by valve.