PiMax Why The Virus's?

PiMax why do I keep getting Virus’s?

Thanx in advance.

That is a false positive. Because that part of the Oculus support pimax install puts hooks in the Oculus Home install.

Okay, I’m assuming you are a PiMax representative. So, what do I do?

  1. Remove
  2. Keep Quarantine
  3. Replace


I am not a pimax rep. But what I have did before.

  1. Disconnect from Internet.
  2. Disable Anti Virus
  3. Install Pitool
  4. Enable Anti Virus
  5. Perform full Scan

After scan completes showing no virus.

Re connect to Inet and Enjoy.

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You might want to try the suggestion provided by @Heliosurge

If there’s popup stating the Pitool is still a suspicious software, please let us know.

Okay Thanx, Done per Heliosurge

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