Pimax VR Experience Open Beta 0.50 - Releasing Now!

Might be, yeah. I would think it would use what’s embedded but not sure… :upside_down_face:

If that’s it, it sounds like a bug to me… :+1:

Try to run it using the .exe and see if You can generate some logs.

It’s the player.log You need to check (don’t remember the exact name).


Wow, this seems to be fantastic progress, I didn’t expect that after the logistics fiasco.

Martin really did well, amazing work. It’s great to pull this off as an open project like this, it will get voided of bugs rather quickly by this approach. I can’t wait to try PE as well.
Now we need flights across the Pacific operable again so Kevin can fly over to logistics to kick a and chew bubblegum!


Okay I got it working now. It’s pretty nice software. I was able to set my own custom settings for HL: Alyx. I’ll do the same for other games :slight_smile:

Should 16384 be used as maxRecommended resolution for all games? Or does a lower number for certain games make sene?


Nice… :+1::upside_down_face:

Not sure but I would just set it at 16k (or even 8k) as it’s only a “max” limit. It’s just SteamVR’s way of telling the application which maximum resolution it recommends and it’s up to the game (engine) to adhere or not AFAIR.

Not sure if there’s any overhead somehow though.


Yes, you can simply run the PiTool installer on top of the existing installation. The PiTool is supposed to overwrite the existing PVRHome folder content with the new one.
If you uninstall PiTool and install the new one, your settings will be kept and you won’t lose them. So you can do that too.
I’ll check with @SweViver to see why the PVRHome that the Pimax team bundled for us has that date on it. Thank you for pointing that out! :slight_smile:


@SweViver Amazing work on PE, love it so far and it seems already very stable!

Noticed one bug so far:

  • When starting an imported app it seems the working directory is not set to the configured exe path causing the app to fail when trying to load further modules

And my improvement suggestions:

  • Scrolling through UI/lists should be possible with the Index controller thumb sticks up/down, I find it very unconfortable to use the scollbars in VR

  • Currently the trigger button must be fully pressed (till it clicks) to make a selection. This is unusual and I first thought selection does not work at all. Pressing the trigger down to the resistant point should the sufficient (like in the SteamVR menu)

  • I personally would love if I also or alternatively could use a controller button (e.g. “A”) to make selections, as I tend to move the controller a bit when pressing the trigger (especially with the force required for the “click”), causing the laser pointer to loose the targeted UI element


This is great @Sweviver i can see there is a lot of love and hours of work going into this!
One thing, maybe i’m doing something wrong, but when i change the brightness and contrast i lose my color settings for Blue etc. and i the color sliders are not there.
Do i miss something or is it not yet implemented?


Just a short question before I download and give it a trial:

Can PE be navigated completely with mouse only from within its VR-environment?

As I am cockpit-/sim-VR-player only so far, I don’t own any VR-controllers yet.

Thx :slight_smile:


Yes, but the mouse mode isn’t enabled by default so You should wait for next release… :wink:

Or You could do the config change after installing it as outlined by @SweViver in the following post:



Still trying to get PE to work with my mouse. I have no controllers.

Sweviver’s instruction to enable the mouse are:





For those of you that do not have any VR controllers:

As the VR Mouse interaction just entered the first “experimental” version in Beta 0.50, we did not set it VR Mouse Enabled on default in this first version. The main reason is that VR mouse interaction requires an active window/fullscreen to work, and we are solving that by using a window/fullscreen handler. Now, this works great already, but we a little are afraid there still could be potential issues with the feature, so this is why we didnt want to enable it on default (and potentially destroy the exprience with a crash or whatever at first PE start).

In upcoming versions, we will make sure to add a feature that automatically enables Mouse mode (and enables window/fullscreen mode) IF no controllers are connected/discovered.

Meanwhile, you will (unfortunately) need to enable it the first time by going into the user settings config file. First, uncheck the “Start Pimax VR Home” checkbox in PiTool (to quit PE it its running).

Remember: This will NOT be needed in next version, as soon as we know VR Mouse brings no issues to anyone :slight_smile:

Now, go to the folder:

C:\Users\ your-username \AppData\LocalLow\Pimax\PVRHome\

Open the file userSettingsPVR.json with Notepad or any text editor, and change these lines:

“monitorMode”: “hidden”,
“mouseEnabled”: false,
“monitorMode”: “window”,
“mouseEnabled”: true,


Save the file, and now check the checkbox “Start Pimax VR Home”. Now PE should start automatically with Mouse enabled.

Sorry for this hassle. Its a bit too late to update the version as PiTool team is asleep at this time of day and they cant built a new PiTool installer right now with an updated version.

Also, from now on, new PE updates will also be released standalone, without PiTool (to make it simple and hasslefree), with (as well as without) its own installer that Im currently preparing.

My problem is that I cannot see the “userSettingsPVR.json” file inside my PVRHome folder.


Would appreciate any advice.


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Just did a quick search on my C drive for that file and it is indeed located where SweViver says it’s supposed to be on my install at least (but I’ve been through many beta’s so maybe that’s why?).

Have You had Pimax Experience running once (maybe it’s created at first run)?

Judging by the log files it seems so… :smiley:

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Seems that I had it partially running. When looking inside my 5k+, I could see a space with stars and nebulae and a cyan colored laser beam.

Tried running it again with the same result.


That’s weird. Here’s my config file:

“sortby”: “Last Played”,
“view”: “Gallery”,
“controllers”: “Valve Index”,
“uiscale”: “Large”,
“environment”: “None”,
“background”: “Sunset Clouds 4”,
“currentUsedProfile”: “Common Setting”,
“currentUsedProfileFileName”: “C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\PiTool\manifest\PiTool\Common Setting.json”,
“currentViewMode”: “Advanced”,
“profileMode”: “Offline”,
“currentTheme”: “Default”,
“currentFont”: “Steam Style”,
“currentFontSize”: “Default”,
“currentFontColor”: “White”,
“currentLaserColor”: “Default”,
“applyProfileOnGameStart”: true,
“applySteamVRProfileOnGameStart”: true,
“assignOfflineProfileToGame”: true,
“assignSteamVRProfileToGame”: true,
“autoCreateOfflineProfiles”: true,
“autoCreateSteamVRProfiles”: true,
“showSteamVRCategory”: true,
“showOculusCategory”: true,
“showReviveCategory”: true,
“showVivePortCategory”: true,
“showImportedCategory”: true,
“showFavoritesCategory”: true,
“showLeftPanel”: true,
“showRightPanel”: true,
“startCounter”: 42,
“handTrackingEnabled”: false,
“showHands”: “showalways”,
“currentHandModels”: “humanhands1”,
“monitorMode”: “fullscreen”,
“monitorResolution”: “1440”,
“mouseEnabled”: true,
“mouseCursor”: “arrow”,
“mouseCursorSize”: 1.0,
“mouseSensitivity”: 1.5

Replace UserName with Your username of course :wink:


Finally, we have a VR User Interface~~~!!!
Thanks to your kind explanation, I had a wonderful experience.
Thanks SweViver~!


This is a much needed feature and it improves the overall experience with Pimax HMDs to a great extent!

Now i can put on the HMD instantly and control/change all the settings without having to peek out of the HMD to change settings in PiTool with those boring 2D controls like a mouse :grin:

With cloud profiles this is going to be even more awesome :+1:


I like this idea a lot. :+1:t3: I have a huge library of VR games.

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I just had been using Steam’s Desktop view to change those values but it’s much more convenient having them in their own VR Menu.

@SweViver is there a way to have the PE Menu appear even when SteamVR is running? At the moment I have to close SteamVR every time which makes it take a bit longer for games to start as SteamVR has to be loaded again.

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Just tried out the Pimax Experience on my 8KX. Incredible work guys, this is exactly what we needed. I love having the ability to launch everything from one menu. Awesome amount of access to settings as well. Great job, I’m impressed!

One question, when I play a game and exit, it takes me to the SteamVR screen instead of back to the Pimax menu. Is there a way to get back to the Pimax Experience instead?


@Razorub Did you know that if you exit steam VR in VR it will take you to PE? It would be nice to exit any game and to PE.


Ok, yeah I exited SteamVR and it brought me to the PE. Would be great to bypass SteamVR home altogether, but I’ll certainly take it as it is.

Do the hands work for you? I seem to only have the Index controllers as an option.

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