Pimax VR Experience Public Beta is here!

Hey everyone!

Here comes a new update of Pimax VR Experience v0.74.0.0!

Setup Instructions :

  1. Download and install PiToolSetup_1.0.2.087_V2.0
    - Note: Pitool V. works with this version of PE as well, but to get Backlight brightness sliders working, you need to use PiTool

  2. Download and install Pimax VR Experience Beta Installer

  3. After installation when PiTool is running, make sure to tick the checkbox “Start Pimax VR Home” (located in PiTool, Settings > General). This will automatically launch the Pimax VR Experience.

Note: Pimax VR Experience comes with its own installer, but it requires you to have PiTool version installed beforehand, to work properly.

Download Links:

Temporary mirror links in case above doesnt work (Right click and Save As)

This version of the software introduces a bunch of new features and updates making it fully compatible with all functionality of PiTool Backlight brightness for all Pimax VR headsets, including 8KX, is now instantly adjustable in the UI with the use of slider and +/- buttons, no HMD reboot required.

A new calibration menu has been added with selectable test charts/images and instant access to all adjustments, made to conveniently customize HMD backlight/brightness/contrast/individual RGB color gamma for each existing profile, and save the changes instantly. Background is automatically set to black/none while inside the Calibration, for optimal conditions. The feature can be accessed by clicking the icon located next to the Brightness/Contrast/Backlight sliders in the Quick Settings, Settings and Advanced Settings menus.

The calibration menu is still work in progress and will soon be extended with further customization, 5K XR black-level adjustment, ability to upload custom chart images and support to save backlight+black-level parameters into per-game profiles.

Furthermode, IPD Offset & Screen Vertical adjustment sliders can now be linked to adjust both sliders simultanously. Changing to individual per-eye adjustment is still possible with one-click. Additionally, all selections from drop-down menus are now dynamically made upon selecting new value, without the need of using the previous “Load” buttons, to improve the user experience and efficiency. Therefore, all load-buttons for drop-downs have been removed.

Check the full change-log below for full list of new features and updates:

Update History Beta

What’s new:

  • New: Backlight brightness can now be adjusted in real-time without reboot, range: 0-100 with 1.0 granularity.
  • New: Backlight brightness now supported on all Pimax headsets, including 8KX.
  • New: Added brand new Image Calibration page with dynamic image adjustments, selectable test charts/images and ability to quick save changes to profiles.
  • New: IPD Offset & Screen Vertical adjustment sliders now can be linked to adjust both sliders simultanously. Individual per-eye adjustment is still possible.
  • New: Added icons/indicators to the IPD Offset & Screen Vertical adjusment, to illustrate what the sliders are doing.
  • New: All Drop-Down menu selections are now dynamically made upon selecting new value, without the need of using a “Load” button. All Load-buttons for drop-downs have been removed to improve user experience.
  • New: Displaying the selected Profile Name in “Settings” & “Profile → Edit Profile” pages, to make it clear to the user the currently loaded profile upon a new selection in drop-down menu.
  • Update: Core: Refactored launching VR games via PE.
  • Update: Installer: Updated and simplified the installer of PE, for PiTool team, to have it bundled with PiTool installer. Standalone installations of PE still uses the previous installer.
  • Update: Corrected the selection of Refresh Rates for each Pimax headset. Non-supported modes are no longer displayed nor selectable.
  • Update: Corrected the selection of FOV modes for each Pimax headset. Non-supported modes are no longer displayed nor selectable.
  • Update: Reversed the order of IPD Offset & Screen Vertical values - to +, for correct logic and applied natural design to slider behaviours.
  • Update: Refresh Rates are now sorted in ascending order.
  • Fix: Sometimes command lines for a game were displayed twice in the list.

PE Calibration menu screenshots:

Backlight & IPD Adjustment update:


Calibration Menu is awesome… :heart_eyes:


Very good work!


A chance the BS powering will be coming?


Can´t download both…other links work (0.70). On Firefox

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

BR Henry


Same error here.

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

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Hmm, both links works here. Let us double check…


Ok, Im sorry for this but it seems like PiTool 266 still doesnt trigger backBrightness with 8KX.
We are uploading a specific PiTool version *87 which will fix that, and we will update the posts in a sec. Sorry for the trouble caused.


I can download the files with my phone ( firefox ) but on PC i get error file nog found ( firefox ) .

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I have updated the first post with PiTool download link for version PiToolSetup_1.0.2.087_V2.0, which unfortunately is required for backlight brightness to work with all headsets.

PiTool version 266 will work with this PE, but to be able to change backlight brightness sliders, you will need PiToolSetup_1.0.2.087_V2.0.


Same situation for me : download from phone is OK but not possible from PC :thinking:

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Could you please try another browser? Maybe Firefox is bloxking .exe files? It works good here with Chrome on all my PCs.


Just downloaded everything without problems from my PC (Firefox 83.0)


My Chrome is blocking here :thinking:

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Great, thanks!
Please make sure to use the new PiTool 87 V2. We were 100% sure 266 did trigger the backlight but it turned out 87 V2 was an updated version and thats the latest that fixed the backlight trigger.


So what the real difference between 2.87 V2 vs .266 for 5k+ :thinking:


Backlight adjustment support for all Pimax headsets. PiTool version 266 didnt send/retrieve that argument to/from PE.

Thats basically it, other than that, the versions works the same :slight_smile:


This new PE update looks amazing!! Can’t wait to give it a go this evening. Great work guys.


while installing new Pitool from the link above I got error message that it did not install and I need v 266+, but it appeared to be installed anyway. I was doing clean install (removed all Pimax software prior to)

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Is there any way to adjust/fine-tune IPD using images and/or charts?