Pimax VR Experience Beta

Update History Beta

What’s new:

  • New: Backlight brightness can now be adjusted in real-time without reboot, range: 0-100 with 1.0 granularity.
  • New: Backlight brightness now supported on all Pimax headsets, including 8KX.
  • New: Added brand new Image Calibration page with dynamic image adjustments, selectable test charts/images and ability to quick save changes to profiles.
  • New: IPD Offset & Screen Vertical adjustment sliders now can be linked to adjust both sliders simultanously. Individual per-eye adjustment is still possible.
  • New: Added icons/indicators to the IPD Offset & Screen Vertical adjusment, to illustrate what the sliders are doing.
  • New: All Drop-Down menu selections are now dynamically made upon selecting new value, without the need of using a “Load” button. All Load-buttons for drop-downs have been removed to improve user experience.
  • New: Displaying the selected Profile Name in “Settings” & “Profile → Edit Profile” pages, to make it clear to the user the currently loaded profile upon a new selection in drop-down menu.
  • Update: Core: Refactored launching VR games via PE.
  • Update: Installer: Updated and simplified the installer of PE, for PiTool team, to have it bundled with PiTool installer. Standalone installations of PE still uses the previous installer.
  • Update: Corrected the selection of Refresh Rates for each Pimax headset. Non-supported modes are no longer displayed nor selectable.
  • Update: Corrected the selection of FOV modes for each Pimax headset. Non-supported modes are no longer displayed nor selectable.
  • Update: Reversed the order of IPD Offset & Screen Vertical values - to +, for correct logic and applied natural design to slider behaviours.
  • Update: Refresh Rates are now sorted in ascending order.
  • Fix: Sometimes command lines for a game were displayed twice in the list.