Pimax US Backer Meetup - LA, NY, SF

Wondering which model to choose?
Check out the options of the backers in the US meetups:


Thank you, Eric (6th video). That’s why I’m still locked on 8K. I don’t wanna see lines of pixels and prefer the solid but a bit blurred line.


Going to dork out here but, the main issue is elite dangerous is on a deferred renderer and has bad aliasing in general. The 8k might blur everything more but you can just supersample on the 5k+ and turn on some cheap AA in game settings and it will look better than the 8k. (Not sure if that backer tried this) The colors and blacks will still look a lot better on the 8k though.

In regular forward rendered games the aliasing was actually much less noticeable on the 5k+ imo. For example the menu edges in bigscreen showed aliasing on the 8k and what looked like subtle chromatic abberarion on menu edges of the menu (was probably just aliasing causing that) while the menu edges on 5k+ perfectly smooth.

Edit: check out this guys review of elite of 5k+ vs 8k My NY Meetup impressions (Elite: Dangerous on 5K+ vs. 8K, esp. text rendering) : Pimax


Thank you for the answer. Each day brings me more and more pain, but…

Anyway, I don’t like that 5K+ felt “like a Vive Pro” with big SS off.

I’m playing ED on Vive, so my eyes are raped enough by trying to read the texts. I think the visual evolution from Vive to 8K will be more than I can imagine. And, of course, in the future, I may upgrade my panel to X, XX or XXX and turn on 4.0 SS :slight_smile:

Many thanks for the video overview, xunshu.

I also stay with the 8k (backer 35xx) for now. I hope that the sampling will be further optimized (subpixels).

I would like to remind that the black level is better with the 8k, although it is 5 lux brighter (after swevivers measurements). That means: if you would reduce the 8k to the brightness of the 5k, the black level of the 8k would be even better than it is now.

One must also bear in mind that sharpness is a very dominant characteristic which immediately strikes one, but there are other characteristics which are more difficult to detect but are nevertheless decisive for the experience.


More like jaggy line

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I was at the SF meetup today, so I could try out the 8k and 5k+ and decide what to do when my number comes up. Didn’t help much! To my eyes, the 8k is better than I expected, and the difference between that and the 5k+ was very minimal.

I tried the 8k first, and after all the super close up pictures and A/B videos and whatnot, I was surprised at how sharp the picture was, it didn’t look even close to bad. I didn’t see the diagonal pixel weirdness. We played some fast-paced racing game first (racing on tubes in space sorta like F-Zero-GX), but then someone got Elite Dangerous up and running, just sitting in the cockpit in the station (we didn’t have controls set up for Elite), and all the text in the various HUD displays was very clear and easy to read. Honestly, the 8k looked as sharp as using a normal computer monitor, which is not something I’m used to in VR, not from my experience with Oculus and Vive.

I then tried the 5k, and text did look a little sharper, tiny text was somewhat readable across the room, but it wasn’t amazingly different than the 8k. Just looked kinda the same as turning sharpness on a TV up a little. I will say, the 5k had a black clock on the wall (it was running BigScreen VR), and it looked fully black - I was looking for the worse contrast/black levels that we’ve heard of compared to the 8k, didn’t see them.

Regardless of the comparison, I’m totally sold on the FoV. Both headsets were set up with Normal mode, and it’s sooooo good.


Attended the backer meetup in San Francisco today and was duly impressed with the both headsets. Thanks Pimax for the opportunity to try out your great product before delivery!

Look at the dorks in the bottom photo hahah (NYC 2nd day backer meeting)

I did look for that when looking at the 5k+ and that SDE is always going to be there. The difference between the two is much closer than I expected. For me not seeing the SDE, slightly better colors and lower target rate of 80 made me pick the 8k for ED.

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I attended the San Fran meetup and was very impressed with both units. I’m going with the 5k+ mainly due to only having a 1080 (non-TI)

A big “nice to meet you all” to everyone at the meetup! This is an awesome piece of tech and whichever set you choose you won’t be disappointed!



I was at the LA meetup, had a good time! I posted my thoughts about the event and the 5k+ and 8k here Pimax - Los Angeles Meet up - Thoughts on the 5k+ and 8K - YouTube i purposefully said peemax (inside joke to a couple viewers of mine)… and yes missaid chromatic aberration several times… and its been pointed out several times to me already… but feel free to do it again if you must :wink: My views on the product were heavily geared to my channels audience which is very heavy DCS World player-base. DCS World is pretty much the main focus for VR, so my views on this product are heavily swayed for that experience alone.


@Dreamwriter thanks for helping me out getting Elite Dangerous going and helping me find the IPD dial!!! I echo your thoughts!! its a great headset! so happy/proud to be a backer!!

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