Pimax, The 8K will have 90 Hz or 75 Hz(refresh Rate) with a 1070?

Anyone at Pimax could confirm this, and explain why it only now appears that information that the headset is only running at 75Hz? What performance can we expect from it with a 1070? 75 or 90Hz refresh rate.

@deletedpimaxrep1 @Matthew.Xu @PimaxVR


Hi Mau_s, I will reply to your post later, and I am currently getting some information from my colleagues in New York. And we will give you a clear answer about refresh rate. Thank you


Thanks. I’ll be waiting

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Dear Man_S,
Sorry for the later response since it’s sunday evening in China.
Recently, our hardware core team are focusing on build new V4 prototype. So we ask our Co-CEO Nordic lead the NYVR roadshow. Nordic and our FAE are all software background. But the refresh rate feature mainly relate to hardware and firmware. Their expression might be insuffient or inaccurate. So there’s some misunderstanding. let’s try to explain more details regarding the refresh rate.

Without “brain-warp”
Our HW system support 90Hz, including the bandwidth of DP \processor\ driver IC. As you know, our orinigal solution is 2HDMI. And then we moved to 1DP. Big difference between these two solutions. The games can run at 90Hz on previous solution. But not so stable, sometime we have to spend ~1 hour to set up the demo kit. Unfortunately, the stability of high rate (>85Hz) is a little bit worse in the new DP solution in V3 prototype. So we decide to lower the refresh rate to 75Hz for the new public demos. And do more internal test from 75Hz to 85Hz. Up to now, the 82Hz is pass the initial test standard. And now we’re try to optimze on 85Hz. then we will do more compatibility and stability test. Since 90Hz is the upper limit of the whole system. Several hardware reasons might make the refresh rate drop: the clock rate, cable length, display adapter FPC, EMI desense issue. Contact impedance from different Video Card’s DP connectors …
The stability is much important,because our HMD should work out of box in thousands of computes condition. So we need do more optimzation in HW design and more compatible test. Then we can give a clear answer.

With “Brain-warp”
The refresh rate is important to VR experience, meanwhile it is challenging to system architecture. That’s why Pimax will bring Brain-warp to our consumers. This technology will definitely double the refresh rate to get much less MTP.
All games can run 120Hz-180Hz if your GPU could support. You can enable or disable the Brain-warp function after the performance test when you get the HMD.
If you enable brain warp feature, you don’t need care about 5Hz or 8Hz drop of the refresh rate.

MTP = senor reponse time+ GPU rendering time + 1/refresh rate + display switch time
The refresh rete is one fact of the MTP. Not all facts. There’re many other solutions could get good MTP performance. Including ATW\ASW\BrainWarp.


Many thanks for the feedback. I’m more relaxed about this, but specifically about this: “All games can run 120Hz-180Hz if your GPU could support”

Specifically about this, in your tests, what is the GPU able to support this? What can you expect from a 1070 in terms of refresh rate? 75Hz or 85Hz or 90Hz or 120Hz with Brainwarp?

For 1070, we expect it to reach the refresh rate of 90hz. As mentioned earlier, we will have a lot of stability testing to ensure performance.


Will the same be true for the 5K display? will it also run and display at 90Hz?

someone had posted this onthe kickstarter 4 days ago
i thought it was weird at the time but seems very relevant now. Im pretty sure the nvidia 10 series cards all use DP 1.4 so you may be worried for nothing

4 days ago
@Aura Rowe
I did a bit of calculating for you based on > DisplayPort – Wikipedia 1.4
7.680 × 4.320 × 60 = 1990656000 Pixel/sec
DP 1.2
3.840 × 2.400 × 60 = 552960000 Pixel/sec
Pimax 8K
22560 × 1440 × 90 = 663552000 Pixel/sec
2560 × 1440 × 75 = 552960000 Pixel/secAs you can see DP1.2 just has enough bandwidth to transfer 22K@75hz. So this might be the reason for this headset to work with both (90 and 75hz) - to be backwards compatible.
I don’t know how their upscaler works, but you could also use a lower resolution like 2048
1152 which would work fine with DP1.2 @90hz.
Maybe they are still working on that resolution being upscaled properly which would explain why they don’t comment on this atm. The bottom line is that you should prepare for playing either @75hz or buying a new GPU.

Are we going to see brainwarp in action soon?

The videos you guys posted today are pretty exciting.

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From our current test, 5K performed better than 8K at fresh rate, 85Hz will be more stable, but we still need to optimize and do more test.

@Matthew.Xu So, for gtx 1070 laptop, pimax 5k would probably be the better option? Or will 8k eventually give similar performance to 5k with optimizations? What’s your advice @Matthew.Xu?

Yes, we are still optimizing the process, and we hope that you can give us some more time to solve it. Thank you.

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