Pimax Sword [Jan 2020 CES] MRTV

Thanks @mixedrealityTV for your awesome coverage at CES!


I hope they actually deliver the controllers. CES2020 and they still don’t have anything real to show, this could just be a mock-up again. And no base stations for anyone yet… Still paid for that stuff a long time ago and would appreciate to receive something in exchange for my money.

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Matthew demonstrated.a working controller with Beatsaber. Though it makes one wonder what happened to changes PimaxUSA talked about in Feb/Mar 2019 as this still shows the ring.

Guessing there was an issue with the design changes he mentioned. Suggesting a premature update back then.

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Matthew was filmed, playing with one hand, super gently. First thing I thought was: It could easily be some other guy behind him with an htc wand or index.
I want to see the controllers MRTV is holding working with Beat Saber on Expert+.

And about the Sword Sense, they have never shown anything other than a concept art and a name.

Let’s not speculate as Matthew is very honorable. As Sword is mainly a vive wand re skin. Still has challenges but one could create a variant though rough with a vive tracking puck.


Yep, I dont want to be pessimistic but the controllers did show a very serious lag with steamVR one controller and no LH…

No lighthouse? Don’t you need minimally 1?

I know the demo video matthew did was just a quick demonstration and not a full demo.

Yes but that is what we can see on the screen in the SteamVR window.

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Will need to rewatch it been awhile.

I hope it wont bother anyone if I post this… but there is a sc, showing the hand down and the saber up, and we can see steamvr window without BS (yeah ok I know it doesnt mean anything, dont hit me please)


That would explain the lag then maybe.

I was hopping they would have gotten rid of the tracking ring on the inside of the hand, It`s going to get hit a lot. good luck with trying to load and cocking a gun in boneworks with that setup, and fast game play in beat saber is going to be interesting, I have hit my index controllers and HMD more that once :slight_smile:


Its impossible to track controllers without lighthouses… maybe its a bug… ?

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Yes yes probably, just …weird.
Unless it’s a inside out one lol :stuck_out_tongue:

or maybe it was just a video playing and Matthew was trying to match the movement on screen, that would explain why he was so slow and it was ‘lagging’ :wink:

But like Heliosurge said, let’s not speculate and assume Pimax is trying to get away with the money we paid for controllers over 2 years ago.

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Dont worry, in the worse case we will end up with Nolo setup ^^

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@PimaxQuorra Can you please include Pimax controllers in next update! Thank you.


Yep. have come real close with Index and would have even them with a smaller ring (like Touch). The reason for this ring size and position totally eludes me.


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