Pimax Support Rating

I bought my Pimax 3 month ago, and broke just after 2 month, after it broke I contacted pimax support, they advised will contact the seller for replacement, no reply after a week, so I have followed up with an email, support replied “still waiting for seller to reply, please be patient”, after another week, no reply, I’ve sent another follow up email, still no reply, another week gone by, another follow up email, still no reply, not sure what I can do in this situation :frowning2:

Very annoyed that it broke after 2 month of used and even more annoyed, there is basically no after sales support :frowning:

@Pimax-Support @Sean.Huang @bacon

Thry have recently had some kind of issue with their mail server (as reported by a few isers) have added some pokes to your post.

Hi @Neo, sorry for that situation, please send your issue to our mailbox: support@pimaxvr.com
We will provide you with solutions. Thank you!:slight_smile:

That’s the email I sent to, but I’ll resend that again, please have a look thx heaps

Their support is slow af, I sent them email 8 days ago, still no response. Excuses after excuses, “oh its the weekend” “oh they are having issue with their mail server”.

Yes you keep ignoring you were told they were having an issue with the support mail server.

If you had posted in the forum ut would have been resolved in the 2 days it took after you posted here. Which there is alot of community users like @pho3nix & myself that will try to help out.

Btw - I don’t work for pimax but volunteer my time.

@mirq & @Scy0846 can confirm the server issue as they reported it. Pimax during the weekend is off sat & sun.


Because I spent like 10hrs of my own time to try everything lol Btw, idc if ur a volunteer. Excuses x2. Again won’t waste any more time responding to you. You censor comments you dislike, good mod. Bye.

I have emailed them every day for the past 3 days because I was purchasing a pledge from another user. They responded to me within 24 hours. Seems like they are on around 12amEST-6amEST. That isn’t their time zone, that is mine. I believe in China that makes it 12pm-6pm. Anyways, the only thing I have noticed is ask one question at a time and be short and sweet about it. Don’t go into a long explaination. They probably are translating your question and some things could get lost in translation. Sometimes they won’t answer everything, which I understand based on the volume of support tickets I am sure they have. Just try to be understanding and keep your emails short. I know it sucks but seems to be the best for them to be the most helpful.

Sorry that wasn’t meant to be a reply to you, but to him. Not sure I can change that.

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Using @username can flag attention of a user. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

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He still neglects the fact he bricked his headset & didn’t fully understand the user who provided him how to unbrick the firmware which he managed to figure it out. Once he posted in the forum he had his headset fixed without needing to support to setup a teamviewer session; you’d think he would have thanked that user.

Or that he was being vulgar so i cleaned up his posts.


I understood the user perfectly on how to unbrick the firmware. But the user forgot to mention a crucial step, which is do not run the old PiPlay after downgrading the firmware, or else your headset will stuck in green LED. Instead, you have to uninstall PiPlay immediately and run the newest version. @Heliosurge do not speak of a situation you have no understanding of. If telling you to do your job is vulgar, you really need a safe space.

Upu used firmware 251 which was notvtge 248. 251 was strictly for the BE.

I see your still confused about job vs volunteer. It is not my job to help you.

You waited 6 days to post in the forums. Once you had a user helped fix your headset that you bricked. And provided you a method that didn’t require s lengthy teamviewer session with support. And once you did post in the forum your headset was fixed in 2 days.






Not to worry. You will likely have to wait on support if you run into future issues(since it is not my job). Especially since you couldn’t be bothered to thank the user who helped you get your headset working.

I added pokes to your post to help elevate your issue to pimax team while doing my “job” at work. Not to be confused with my “job” being to help you.

It seems like you’ve failed to read the comment right below that…I’ve tried both…please learn to read.

You waited 6 days to post in the forums. Once you had a user helped fix your headset that you bricked. And provided you a method that didn’t require s lengthy teamviewer session with support. And once you did post in the forum your headset was fixed in 2 days.

Of course I waited because I believed in Pimax customer service, but apparently unless you spam their email they won’t respond even after 10 days lol Yeah, it was fixed after 2 days because I had to spend hours of my personal time on troubleshooting. If Pimax themselves used teamviewer, it would’ve been fixed in minutes, since they’ve seen this problem many times before.

I see your still confused about job vs volunteer. It is not my job to help you.

That’s like saying “I volunteer to be a social worker, but it’s not my job help you old people.” LOL Whether you get paid has nothing to do with whether or not its your job. “It’s a kid’s job to go to school.” Is it that hard to understand?

Look, no one forced you to spend your “work” time on “volunteering” here.

Not to worry. You will likely have to wait on support if you run into future issues(since it is not my job). Especially since you couldn’t be bothered to thank the user who helped you get your headset working.

Man, why so bitter. It’s not like I can just make another account through a VPN or anything right? You’d still have to help me, unless you stop helping all new users lol For the record, I did thank him. Again, learn to read please. It’s important for your job :wink:


No it is not my job to help you any more than it was @pho3nix job to help you.

Yes you could make another account & act respectfully. But why go through that hassle, when you could simply treat the community with respect in the first place.

But if you did create another account & acted as you have; i wouldn’t support that account either.

I support my fellow community users by choice; not because its my job. I support the pimax team by choice.

So you are not entitled to get support from the community.

You should be thankful that pimax does support users when they activate a security feature by dismantling the headset resulting in bricking the headset. There also threads that detail how to avoid activating the security routine (which again pimax has allowed this info to be here).

Seems though many young people in recent generations think the world owes them.


Again, “I volunteer to be a social worker, but it’s not my job help you old people.”. Why even volunteer to be a moderator if you are not helping.

I don’t see how I’ve disrespected the community, I gave the community a solution. One with screenshots and mentions of what NOT to do. Again, I thanked @pho3nix for the help, not sure how much more “respect” he needs. If anything I’m disrespecting you. Are you calling yourself the community? lol What a high horse to ride.

No, I’m not entitled to get support from anyone. You responded “by choice”, I could care less if you ignored the post. Actually, I would prefer you to not be involved. Your responses are nonconstructive.


That’s the response you gave after I’ve already found my own solution. Utterly useless.

Plus try getting a response from EA’s Origin. Never got a response for a non working purchase but a year later it magically worked.

Like…wtf is this? Are you telling me to just wait and hope for miracle? lol Oh, that’s the response I’ve been looking for, didn’t know that was an option. I really should pay respect for such an insightful and well thought out comment.

Yes, thank you Pimax for bricking my device after I’ve dismantled a device I paid for. They could’ve made it a soft brick, just to let them know the product was opened. But no, they want to completely disable it.

Even without reading the thread, I’ve figured out what caused the brick during this troubleshooting process. There are two conductive pieces at the top and center of the headset. Just don’t touch it, or tape it off lol

EDITED FOR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT! -Read up & respect forum rules

Do yourself a favour; look up “forum Moderator” that is the position I hold as an official volunteer.

While like many here I offer help where I can with the tools & info available.

Now understand you called fowl when I did my job. The community has been requesting stronger moderation like other forums have. Do you think that as well?

Again you resort to being vulgar & disrespectful.

Please read over before pressuring me to do my job. I have not resorted to name calling, or being vulgar towards you.


I have only tried to help you like many members of the community do. I am a community level moderator.

While like other members of the community offer help with technical issues; none of us are pimax tech support.

This you may want to read as well.

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Cool story, byeeeeee

Hi Pimax Support,

since the first post, i’ve resent my email, however still no reply. what should i do from here??

It’s been about a week, should i wait for a bit longer??

@Pimax-Support @Sean.Huang @deletedpimaxrep1 @bacon @Matthew.Xu @Doman.Chen

Added pokes to your post. Not sure why they haven’t gotten back to you. They were having some issues with the mail server.

thanks for that Helio

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