Pimax Slogan Ideas

nunca tan bueno como el sarro del bater…

Pimax Better then reality resolution :grin:

How about “Pimax. looks clearer than 3 broken eggs”

hm… i think after 1.2 we have 90hz with position (this realy smooth) and may be in game too…

The LCD panel is 60 hz.

mmm, why you think what panel have parameter like FPS, panel have another parameters? Another case about HDMI 2.0 and internal converter HDMI 1.4 to MIPI (or what use this panel) have some things for interpolaring frames. I meen pimax have some hardware, for it. Whatever, if this not 60hz, 1 positive point to pimax for 1.2.x )

I’m sorry I don’t understand your post at all, I think you’re using an online translator ? Some meaning must have gotten lost

oldie but goodie: As Real as it Gets

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